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'88-'93 GP's - Door or Dash Speakers?

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So I bought this '92 GP, y'see, and.. well... it has dash speakers. I notice all I hear most of the time is the left front speaker. As I use my rears for bass fill, and don't want to adjust my balance to compensate, I was curious if I should move the speakers to the door pods that it's fitted with for no good reason. :lol: The pods are there, and I'm sure I could put speakers in them, but what do you think would sound better?


Does your radio have it were u can have the FL and FR speakers on by them self. If so i would run to wal-mart get a db meater and turn your stero play one song. then right down the max db u got.. then switch speakers and see witch is the loudest place to have them. I would put them back in the door as thats were gm put them for some odd reason. But thats just me. It really just might be a wire issue is why you hear the front left over other stuff


^^ I do not recommend anything in the above comment.


Use the door pods with a set of components.




Stock is a 4x6 in the door pod, but 5.25's will fit with little to no modification. You could even fit 6.5's if you try hard enough, and make a custom bracket.


If you need some speakers, lemme know. You know where I work.


I disagree with putting anything except the 4x6s unless they are a 4" mid sealed in the pod.


I had someone try to install bigger speakers in those pods in one of my cars before I got it. total hack job. I tore it out and got new pods from the junk yard. 4 inch is literally the biggest you can fit or that you would WANT to fit.


and hey slick, how do you really know what sounds good until you actually experiment with how things sound? I agree with that guy, get your feet wet a little then go with what you like the best.


My 5.25" Infinity woofers fit in my 94 GP when I had it several years ago, with absolutely no problems. Mount didn't need to be hacked up, panel fit over the speaker with no problems.



I guess one of the differences between you and I- I know what John will be doing with his stereo. He isn't out to win any contests, just wants a good clean sound. He's *most likely* not going to make any fiberglass pods, and probably won't amplify everything. Hence the reason for my suggestion.


I guess it's part of my job- Figure out what the person needs and desires, and THEN make the recommendations. Not recommending stuff for advanced installations or audiophiles, then finding out it's outside of there budget/what they need/etc....


clarion makes a good 4x6.


I haven't seen Clarion sold in many stores any more. Are they still a great product like before?


I agree with slick, he made the best suggestion.


I say go to Wal Mart and buy their cheapest speaker (only one) if you can go smaller, install the speaker with ideal hose clamps, reverse the polarity and rock the shit out of it, if you dont like it go back to wal mart and spit in the guys face who sold them to you, if he or she gives you static assassinate them right there on the spot, execution style.


I say go to Wal Mart and buy their cheapest speaker (only one) if you can go smaller, install the speaker with ideal hose clamps, reverse the polarity and rock the shit out of it, if you dont like it go back to wal mart and spit in the guys face who sold them to you, if he or she gives you static assassinate them right there on the spot, execution style.

Sounds a little umm intense... hum im begining to see why they call you that.


I dont think 5.25's fit in the 88-93 doors. When I swapped to the 94-96 interior panels, the 5.25's fit. I had to drill new holes for the mounting bracket, but its good to go now.


I'm not large into stereos or anything, but I do not care for dash speakers of almost any variety, I got rid of mine in favor of door speakers several years ago now, haven't looked back.


I'm not large into stereos or anything, but I do not care for dash speakers of almost any variety, I got rid of mine in favor of door speakers several years ago now, haven't looked back.


Why's that? I run both 4x6's in the dash and 6-1/2's in the doors. I also have 6-1/2's in the rear quarters and 6x9's in the rear deck. The entire system runs flawlessly thanks to a Kenwood Excelon Amp. It's like bling for your ears but there ain't no damn diamonds! :wink:


In my opinion the dash mounted 4*6s sounded extremely harsh reflecting off the windshield, I ended up shoehorning some 5.25" infinity refrence series in the doors and just completely eliminating the dash speakers, however I run everything through the factory CD deck.


that said if I could justify more money at the car right now a full component system would be awesome and I could put the tweeters in the dash where the 4*6s were.


In my opinion the dash mounted 4*6s sounded extremely harsh reflecting off the windshield.


This is exactly the problem with the GP. The highs are ear-splitting. I have to crank the volume to hear the bass. I need to rip the door panels off and mount them in the door pods.


sound is best when its all around, not just from one place, if i had dash slots in my lumina id deffinalty be suing them, however, good speakers are a must, ive sene a set of kicker replacement stockies kick the sh*t out of a fully custom sound system bought at the local flea market compliments of chinas cheap labor force, lack of work ethic, and improper materials


sound is best when its all around, not just from one place, if i had dash slots in my lumina id deffinalty be suing them, however, good speakers are a must, ive sene a set of kicker replacement stockies kick the sh*t out of a fully custom sound system bought at the local flea market compliments of chinas cheap labor force, lack of work ethic, and improper materials


I've heard a set of Diamond Audio components rock the shit out of my last setup. The guys ran one set of components, that was all. The sound was truely amazing, clear and full. He was running (3) 10" Diamond subs too all ran by Diamond amps. It was amazing, quality was first to none.


diamonds are great if you can stand the cheap crackly sound of chinese garbage. :lol:


because thats all they are. they try to hide it and not put "made in china" everywhere, and thats why I bought them. but my JL components blow them away even though they claim to have 80w handling and the JLs are only 75w and are 3 way components.


I got diamond D6 5 inch components in the back in fiberglass pods. the 6x9s are long gone. but the thing is the diamonds have good crossovers and I was going to drop the woofers in the trash and buy some morel drivers that are made in Israel or some shit and are top notch sounding.


Well I can't believe that. My wife has a 12" Diamond (silver one) in her '98 Lumina which rocks. Kick the ass out of my (2) 10" Kenwood Excelons. Those Diamond components I heard were awesome and amazing. I've heard them for myself and they are great. The entire car was audio system was Diamond. but only ran (3) 10"s and one set of components. Car sounded great. Definetly did not sound like cheap China made audio.


yes they are good but I am actually comparing apples to oranges.



the JL components I have are around $650 and the diamonds are mediocre D6s that only cost $275. If I drop 2 hundred on some better woofers I will be in like $475. may or may not be worth it I dont know yet. but the drivers I am thinking of replacing them with come with a component set-up thats in the $1000+ range.



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