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Need some help with the whole system thing. my brothers system keeps cutting in and out. i went back through and doubled checked everything, the grounds nice and tight as is the power cable. nothings loose and what was we tightend. hes only got 4ga going to a kenwood kac7252 1000W amp only giving 170rms each to both sony xplode 1300wat subs. I kno were over powering them but dont understand why it cuts out? i heard a rumor somthing about a negative feedback like when u have all differant brands of stereo equip. but dont kno if its true so i need a lil advice thanks


As Andrew said, start off by checking your gains. The proper way to set them is with a DMM. If they are cutting out after a bit of play, I can almost guarantee that they are set to low.


Next... how do you have the subs wired into the amp? Can the amp handle that ohm load? If you have them wired too low, you could be throwing it into protect mode.


no i dont think the gain is set up all the way but i do recall seeing my brother bass knob cranked all the way ill have him turn it down a bit and see how it goes but would the remote bass knob really screw with it even if the gain on the amp is turned down a bit becuase when i hooked it up i made sure the gain on the amp wasnt all the way up but do recall my brother remote bass knob cranked and it has a built in cooling fan so i dont think its getting too hott


OH, and Kenwoods are notorious for running hot. I'd at another computer fan to the case. Drill some holes into the side.


we felt the amp and it still felt pretty kool, and i only have it wired in at 4 ohm was beatin pretty fine up until today and started to cut out and then cut back in (the subs that is) almost makes me want to go pay out the ass to have a "professional" do it even tho im almost postive i hooked the amp kit up right just a PITA


we felt the amp and it still felt pretty kool, and i only have it wired in at 4 ohm was beatin pretty fine up until today and started to cut out and then cut back in (the subs that is) almost makes me want to go pay out the ass to have a "professional" do it even tho im almost postive i hooked the amp kit up right just a PITA


you could do it way better than the "professionals"


instead of wasting the money on that get some better equipment. buy some gardner bender crimpers and some good wire and connecters.


OH, and Kenwoods are notorious for running hot. I'd at another computer fan to the case. Drill some holes into the side.


Hmm. I have all Kenwoods with my setup, though they don't seem to get very hot even under full load. Then again, they are rather loud. With the car off and the key in the notch before the ignition, you can definitely hear the fans kick in on those things.


well we went through and rewired the subs i think at 2 ohm and just hooked them both up to 1 channel instead of the 2 and now it seems to be thumping normal

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