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engine lag when i push the gas

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i powerwashed my engine about a week ago, could that have anything to do with it? its like, i push the gas pedal down a fair distance and the engine hesitates for a moment or so then it goes and when it goes it seems like it doesnt have the power is used to, im thinking maybe something with the ignition? hopefully it isnt the transmission, please help!!!


Since after washing the problem came up, try driving your car in the highway 60-70mph for about 30min to 1hr and see if that dries out any water that might have been trapped somewhere or even in the cat.


It might have contaminated your oil with water. Check your dipstick with any signs of water or try to drain a little bit of oil to check the oil's condition.


i checked the oil, it looks fine, i added a quart because it was low, my dad says to wait about a week and it will be back to normal, so i guess its a waiting game, untill then ill just take 'er easy

i checked the oil, it looks fine, i added a quart because it was low, my dad says to wait about a week and it will be back to normal, so i guess its a waiting game, untill then ill just take 'er easy


Phantom, remember the post by GrandPrix34... he washed his motor and it was a bad plug wire.

He said it was arcing to the block; once replace the car ran great once again.

Maybe, pull your wires (label them) for the night and re-install in the morning and see where that gets you.

Just an idea to start with... :wink:


- Erik


its not missing, its runs and idles fine, i took it for a drive tonight and it seemed better, but we are taking a trip to grand forks tomorrow and the next day (brother is going to UND, doing somethere there about that) and we are shopping too i think, so were takin a little vacation i guess) and ill pull the plugs when i go just in case, how do i get to the plugs in the back of the engine?

its not missing, its runs and idles fine, i took it for a drive tonight and it seemed better, but we are taking a trip to grand forks tomorrow and the next day (brother is going to UND, doing somethere there about that) and we are shopping too i think, so were takin a little vacation i guess) and ill pull the plugs when i go just in case, how do i get to the plugs in the back of the engine?


Huh... okay then. For the rear, grab hold of the plug boot and pull gently.

So if it's not the plugs... hopefully it's not a fuel delivery problem. * finger's crossed *


- Erik


That hesitation off idle is prolly a bad TPS. Your whole problem could be the TPS



wtf is tps


The Throttle Position Sensor. If your looking at your TB, its on the left rear of the TB. Its a sealed unit, so you cant adjust it, you have to get a new one. Check out Redfox340's site for a description of what it does, Im too lazy to type it




i dont think it would be that, if its sealed then how would powerwashing affect it?

i dont think it would be that, if its sealed then how would powerwashing affect it?


Well, by sealed I meant you cant adjust it. And, it could just be going bad, regardless of your powerwashing.




People, we have 10 year old or older cars, you can't powerwash the engine! For christ sake the electrical insulation is all old and brittle as well as some of the gaskets. Its way more trouble than its worth when a rag and some castrol shit does almost as good a job. Me and my buddy powerwashed his engine on his cutlass a while ago and we covered the alt and watched the gaskets and it ran like shit for a week.


yeah i talked to my dad, he says its okay to do it but you gotta expect it to run like shit for a while, you have to give it time to dry out (he said about a week) and it will be just fine. personally i dont think powerwashing made it look any better, maybe in like 1 or 2 spots but nothing to be too excited about


um whats with this power washing? whatever happened to the garden hose, ur thumb, and engine degreaser?

People, we have 10 year old or older cars, you can't powerwash the engine!


And why not? Didn't think that holding / controlling a wash-gun could be so hard.

It's been countless times I've done it on both the DOHC and my A-Body pushrod without problems afterwards.

I don't understand how motors are dying after doing something so basic.


um whats with this power washing? whatever happened to the garden hose, ur thumb, and engine degreaser?


Ah... hog-wash... that's too much grunt work for me! :lol:


- Erik


i have the same problem, well had it:) your TPS .....i changed my plugs and i havent had the problem since, cant belive i didnt use delcos, dam, i used v groove before winter, and i finaly changed em to delcos, big fuckin difference


i have the same problem, well had it:) your TPS .....i changed my plugs and i havent had the problem since, cant belive i didnt use delcos, dam, i used v groove before winter, and i finaly changed em to delcos, big fuckin difference

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