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98 lumina coolant smell during hard mountain pull??

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98 lumina coolant smell during hard mountain pull???

this only happens on a long hill pull, like the grapevine I5 out of the central valley of california (where i live) ,no smell in 100 plus stop and go traffic ect only when pulling a big hill(happens every time) temp gauge is over 1/2-3/4

also it has the 5/8 rad :redface:

dosent use any coolant, no visible leaks, new water pump about 6 months ago Fresh sexcool/distilled water, burped as well.


ideas??? :confused:


Maybe LIM gaskets, it would be under high vacuum on a pull like that, and possibly sucking coolant throught them :dunno:


Maybe LIM gaskets' date=' it would be under high vacuum on a pull like that, and possibly sucking coolant throught them :dunno:



if it is the lim"s what should i be looking for???

there is no coolant leakage yet, the car has 112k on it and most everything under the hood is original, except the water pump and belt, and standards matinence items


and i think it has the oem lim gaskets?????


I bought my 94 Cutlass in texas with 67k on it, and drove it back to MN, when 20 miles from home, my "low oil light" came on, and I thought WTF, I took it to one shop and they fixed the distributor shaft seal, while that was also leaking, it wasn't the cause. I took it to another mechanic that I know does good work and knows his shit, and he said it was the lower intake gaskets, he replaced them, and while he was in that far pulled the heads and made sure the head gaskets were fine, he charged me $400.


Look for yellowish-white gunk on underside of oilcap, and if it's losing coolant, but not leaking it anywhere, burning oil like mine (uncommon from what I've heard) could be LIM, but that all I got, I'm sure somone else will chime in on this.

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