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Underhood emissions sticker - can anyone print a new one?


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This seems kinda dumb I'm sure, but when I repainted my engine bay I peeled off my ASC emissions sticker on the TSTE. I was wondering if I scan it, if anybody would be capable of reprinting a new one. You know, like a weather proof one. The original has a thin layer of plastic that covers the top of it to protect it I guess. I don't know if anyone could print something similar.

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This seems kinda dumb I'm sure, but when I repainted my engine bay I peeled off my ASC emissions sticker on the TSTE. I was wondering if I scan it, if anybody would be capable of reprinting a new one. You know, like a weather proof one. The original has a thin layer of plastic that covers the top of it to protect it I guess. I don't know if anyone could print something similar.


Ken and I were going to try and get the one off the parts car to scan

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I remember seeing a sign at a local dealer that said they could provide direct replacements of most factory stickers, like emissions, belt routings, etc.


/worth a shot I guess

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I'm sure I could probably find a regular 3.1 GP one, but the turbo labels were printed by ASC, so I wouldn't have my hopes up. I guess I could give it a shot.

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i asked about all the stickers under the hood of my 96 and the only one they could get was the emissions sticker thingy.


I thought that's what we were talking about :lol:

yeah....so? just saying he probably can get one and letting other people know i couldnt get any other ones at the same time. what's wrong with that?
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i asked about all the stickers under the hood of my 96 and the only one they could get was the emissions sticker thingy.


I thought that's what we were talking about :lol:

yeah....so? just saying he probably can get one and letting other people know i couldnt get any other ones at the same time. what's wrong with that?


I read it as "but all they could get was this"


That's like me asking "Where can I get a sack of oranges" and getting a reply of "I asked Kroger but all they could get me was a sack of oranges". Didn't make sense at first. Sorry :willynilly:

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i asked about all the stickers under the hood of my 96 and the only one they could get was the emissions sticker thingy.


I thought that's what we were talking about :lol:

yeah....so? just saying he probably can get one and letting other people know i couldnt get any other ones at the same time. what's wrong with that?


I read it as "but all they could get was this"


That's like me asking "Where can I get a sack of oranges" and getting a reply of "I asked Kroger but all they could get me was a sack of oranges". Didn't make sense at first. Sorry :willynilly:

:willynilly: i see your point :lol:


and what is up w/ "sack"? i had never heard of anyone using that word in PA ("bag" instead) till i moved out here and now i hear someone from NY saying it :willynilly: well, i heard of a sack of potatoes, but thats somehow different :lol:

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I don't know, I think they interchange here :lol: I think a sack is more like that netting material, or burlap. Clear plastic are referred to as bags.








Carry on, sorry for the hijack :lol:


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ok, yeah, that makes sense. they call plastic and paper grocery bags "sacks" here. didnt realize you were talking about a sack of oranges in that way. since im still hijacking, i have to add something, so this may sound dumb, but here goes: :lol:


i know w/ my sticker, it had a part number. is yours different? i'm assuming so since you didnt see that in the first place and its ASC-made

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I someone can take a picture of one I may be able to recreate it in Illustrator.


If you do take the picture make sure you have a scale just below the sticker (Imperial/metric doesn't matter) so that I can create it 1:1 scale.

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So let me get this straight this sticker was made by ASC?


I highly doubt you can get another one. I wondered the same thing when I was looking at replacing the radiator core on my lumina.


Why did you not just tape the thing off?


Ohh and yea, ASC is still around. They still alot of concepts for the big 3 etc.

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So let me get this straight this sticker was made by ASC?


I highly doubt you can get another one. I wondered the same thing when I was looking at replacing the radiator core on my lumina.


Why did you not just tape the thing off?


Ohh and yea, ASC is still around. They still alot of concepts for the big 3 etc.


ASC filed for chapter 11 earlier this year.




& http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070504/AUTO01/705040421/1148


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i know w/ my sticker, it had a part number. is yours different? i'm assuming so since you didnt see that in the first place and its ASC-made


I actually forgot to check for a part number on it, I'll check on my way out but even so I'd have doubts it's still good.


I someone can take a picture of one I may be able to recreate it in Illustrator.


If you do take the picture make sure you have a scale just below the sticker (Imperial/metric doesn't matter) so that I can create it 1:1 scale.


that's no big deal, I'm gonna scan it and touch it up in PS, I just don't know if I can get it printed anywhere.


So let me get this straight this sticker was made by ASC?


yea, they had to make a different emissions one because of the turbo/different exhaust/any vacumm routing/etc.



Why did you not just tape the thing off?


cause that's halfass. (cause it's a different color now)


plus, i think it was peeling a little anyway. I can't remember.

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:willynilly: i see your point :lol:and what is up w/ "sack"? i had never heard of anyone using that word in PA ("bag" instead) till i moved out here and now i hear someone from NY saying it :willynilly: well, i heard of a sack of potatoes, but thats somehow different :lol:


It's like here in Chicago for example. If you want a can of coke or other kind of soda, we say "Let me get a pop!" or "I'll have a medium pop"

I had a girl from PA asking why people call it pop here in Chicago, and I had no clue. She told me that they say soda where shes from.


and then I said.. blah blah blah........ sorry for interruptiing

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If someone gets me a good scan or picture I can probably get one printed at work.


I almost thought of asking you! I seem to remember you saying you were in some kind of label business lol. I'll have to see what kind of scan I can get.

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