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wtf happened to my rev limiter???

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so...i passed up my friends in their BMW 318 and my intake was roaring. we got to the pool and parked and they said my 3100 sounds pretty throaty with the intake. very happy expression at that point. so we swim a little bit and then i get back into my car, start it up, and for shits-n-giggles i rev it...BUT...it hits the usual 4k or so limit and then keeps reving up to 5800 RPMs! tried to do it again after i drove it a little bit, but was limited again. anyone got an explanation on that???


Seeing as your HP peak is at 5200 rpm I doubt your RL would be 4k, it should be around 6K.


when the car is in park or neutral, there is a rev limiter around 3500 to 4000 rpm's so as not to damage the engine, (Over-revving it), but no i have ne explanation of it!


Strange I hadn't noticed that the RL changed depending on if in gear or not, but I've got Gen2 3.1L not Gen3 maybe different. Still I don't see the RL changing or being set so low??????

Seeing as your HP peak is at 5200 rpm I doubt your RL would be 4k, it should be around 6K.


all gen 3 3100s ive seen have a rev limiter at 4000. but, for some odd reason, i could rev my motor past that that one period of time. i'm baffled.


There is a P/N limiter and an in gear limiter. Maybe your car didnt see the P/N switch activated that one time?


i can rev my bros 2001 grand am to 8 or higher while in park, nuetral or drive(rollin down the hill a couple feet then punchin the gas causin the tires to spin)


were you rolling? because if i'm above a certain (Low) speed in the cut, I can rev well past the P/N rev limiter.


EDIT: in neutral

i can rev my bros 2001 grand am to 8 or higher while in park, nuetral or drive(rollin down the hill a couple feet then punchin the gas causin the tires to spin)


Dude your stupid and your bro should beat you for doing that to his car.


i have the gen 3 3100 and i can rev the sh*t out of it. in park, neutral and while driving!!!!


mine limits at 4k in P/N.....sometimes if i give th gas a quick stomp and let off before it climbs to the 4k itll go over the 4K a tad and drop right back down. no i do not do this often

i can rev my bros 2001 grand am to 8 or higher while in park, nuetral or drive(rollin down the hill a couple feet then punchin the gas causin the tires to spin)


Dude your stupid and your bro should beat you for doing that to his car.


lol hes the one tha showed me how to do it :wink:


when i first got my car, in the cold winter i could revv it up to like 6g's, but now in the summer it only gos up to around 4 or so (revving it in neutral, standing still) when it gets to 4gs or so its like a "chugging" of the engine, is that the rev limiter?

its like a "chugging" of the engine, is that the rev limiter?


Oh yeah, it's good times, sometime when you are in Park just floor it and keep it floored, it will do that all day. Weeeeeeee.

Oh yeah, it's good times, sometime when you are in Park just floor it and keep it floored, it will do that all day. Weeeeeeee.


I wouldn't do it all day. Just doesn't sound healthy, ya' know?

Rumor has it you can (over time) ruin the engine since the ECM quits fuel delivery to the comubustion chamber?

Maybe I'm wrong, and if so, would like to know how the car reacts to a RPM maximum command.


- Erik


ive only done it once or twice, i thought it was something bad with my engine because when i first got it it didnt do that at all, but i guess its supposed to be there. whew!


They remind me of a dragsters studder box.I think they work on the same principle.


revin the engine while not in drive can flood the engine am i correct?

revin the engine while not in drive can flood the engine am i correct?


If the engine is running you can't flood the engine during normal operations.

Same with a EFI vehicle in the off position; mash the gas, the car will not flood.

However, a carbuator will flood the engine, so don't hold the gas down while off on your Trans Am.


- Erik

Guest TurboSedan
There is a P/N limiter and an in gear limiter. Maybe your car didnt see the P/N switch activated that one time?


from what i can tell with my car, it DOES have a speed limiter (116 MPH), but DOESN'T have a rev limiter. i just did 61 MPH in 2nd gear the other night and the RPM's were redlined at 6 grand. i don't plan on doing that again with the current engine but it sure sounded great!


fwiw, i think my car doesn't have a rev limiter sinced it's a manual. i'm running '90 GP wiring harness w/ECM & calibration. does that sound right Vegeta?


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