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Hey guys, I wanted to know how much the going rate was on a replacement of tranny cooler lines.


I was pullin out of my girl's driveway when I heard a rumbling noise when I gave it some gas. I look out and theres a line of tranny oil behind me. Anyway I look under the hood and i see the crap leaking out out of one of the lines.... Considering I only drove about 500 feet until i realized what was wrong, do you think I couldve damaged anything?


FYI - i have a 97 lumina, 3.1 with 150k on it.


Thanks :peace:


Most likely, no. I would repair the line, and go. Actually.... while you have that much tranny fluid out, it would be a great time to drop the pan and replace the filter. Re-use the stock gasket (if its the rubber with metal rings, it is meant to be re-used, cork gaskets leak).


my first tranny died because of that happening, although I was on an on ramp revving it to like 4500 trying to go. replaced the tranny, and had the line come off twice again at low speeds before I decided to get a new hose and clamp and fix it right. no problems with that, only when i was trying to get on the freeway the first time when i didnt know what was going on.



99.9% you didnt damage anything

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