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Swapped radio, now no worky?

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The coupe GP I bought as my project car came with a shitty DUAL brand head unit. No model info on it, just has the DUAL logo on the front of it.


I pulled it out of my coupe and pulled my Sony headunit out of my sedan GP. I stuck the DUAL in my sedan since I am selling it, and swapped over the wiring harnesses so I didn't have to rewire everything. For some reason now, I can't get the head unit to turn on at all!


Hooked up the same as my Sony one, I have a blue and Orange wire hanging off the cars harness unused just like the Sony setup had, but it just won't power on!


I thought maybe some of the splices pulled loose, so I undid all of them and put them back together. No go.


I highly doubt there is any security lockout on this POS headunit.


Any ideas?


Check fuses.


Pull out the DMM and do a continuity test with the ground at your HU and a chassis ground. Check to make sure your getting 12v on the constant and switched line.


Well noticed that my doors stopped autolocking/unlocking when I drove and went to shut the car off, and noticed no alarms for headlights so I knew it was a fuse. Started to look around, blew the 12+ IPW fuse or some shit like that, it's a 15A.


Rewired the radio since the lines pulled apart and shorted out and all is good now!



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