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shakie steering wheel


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When I go above 50 mph, my steering wheel shakes a little bit. I mean shaking by it turns a little bit to the left, little bit to the right, little bit to the left, little bit to the right, in a continuous loop. At some speeds it stops, but its a real pain in the butt on the highway. I recently bought 4 new tires and them them all balanced, etc. Any suggestions?



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Oops, forgot to mention when I got the new tires, I also got a 4 wheel alignment done too. New hubs eh? I think I got my use out of the original ones (my car has 106,xxx miles).

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Oops, forgot to mention when I got the new tires, I also got a 4 wheel alignment done too. New hubs eh? I think I got my use out of the original ones (my car has 106,xxx miles).


If your car was aligned a few days or a fews ago, then bring your car back in there and tell them that at speeds 50 or so the steering wheel shakes.

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Usually vibration at a specific Wheel speed is due to tires, my buddy went through 3 sets before they got a good set. It has to do w/ oscillations at a spec. speed. It should go away when the speed goes higher and should come back at roughly twice the initial speed, but may not be notice @ 1/2 the speed. Rotate the tires front to back, I bet it dissapears.

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go back and have em balanced... a alighnment will not cause a vibration.... Im sorrny guys, but out of all the alighnments I have done in the past year and a half, not one has caused a vibration problem... its like toe causing a pull, F*CKING IMPOSSABLE!!!

sorry for the rant..

go back in and have the tires rotated and balanced, and ask if U can watch while he balance's em, the screen should read all O's, allot of shops call it good @ .25 oz off, and say "they will never notice" and then U get a problem like this...

wheel bearing... if it was bad enoughf to cause a vibration, it couldent have been alighned, cause it would have cause play in the front wheels, hence the alighnment would not hold. if yur not getting a low moaning noise, and yur wheels still turn, yur hub bearings are fine....



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most places do what they like to call a pre-alignment check. They are susposed to determine whether the car can be aligned before aligning it. They tell you "Sorry, the ball joints bad or it needs outer tie rods, etc. etc."


If they charged you to align a bad front end they should be refunding you.


I'd go with rebalance the tires but first jack the car up and wiggle the wheels. Grab tire at 3 and 9 o'clock and wiggle, if it has play you have bad outer tie rods. Grab at 6 and 12, wiggle, If you have play you have bad lower ball joints. Specific to each side of course.


This is general layman stuff to check. I'm not worthy as a mech.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had and still have this prob when I bought my set of tires new. They are my summer rubber...my winter tires are a more smoother ride. So its most likely your tires!!! :x


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most places do what they like to call a pre-alignment check. They are susposed to determine whether the car can be aligned before aligning it. They tell you "Sorry, the ball joints bad or it needs outer tie rods, etc. etc."


If they charged you to align a bad front end they should be refunding you.


I'd go with rebalance the tires but first jack the car up and wiggle the wheels. Grab tire at 3 and 9 o'clock and wiggle, if it has play you have bad outer tie rods. Grab at 6 and 12, wiggle, If you have play you have bad lower ball joints. Specific to each side of course.


This is general layman stuff to check. I'm not worthy as a mech.


Finially someone is one the money!!


But first go back and explain to the shop your symptoms. Balancing is likely off, or one of the wheel wieghts has fallen off. When the car is in the air, you car check the tie rods and ball joints as explained above.


That is the course of action I would take.

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