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Kicker car audio

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Kicker now distributed through distributors... So a Kicker Dealer (direct) is placed in direct competition for sales with a Kicker Dealer via wholesale...




yea hey how do u post pics on this i got sum of my car but idk how to get my picks loaded on here


Kicker, SQ sucks but they're loud. Works for me.


Hey now. That may be the case for their newer stuff, but I my love old-school Kicker equipment. My mid-1990's XPL subs sound amazing. Not too much bump, but it sounds great with all the rock music I listen to. I think Kicker used to actually give two shits about SQ up until recently.


I definitely have to agree with Shaun, the old school Comps and XPLs sounded really good......i have had very little experience with their newer products though :shrug:


you must have never used hyperflex cable then.


or their anl fuse holders.


Im wierd, wiring gets me off more than the actual stereo components. :twisted:


Kicker, SQ sucks but they're loud. Works for me.


Hey now. That may be the case for their newer stuff, but I my love old-school Kicker equipment. My mid-1990's XPL subs sound amazing. Not too much bump, but it sounds great with all the rock music I listen to. I think Kicker used to actually give two shits about SQ up until recently.


My bad, I was speaking on behalf of the Solobaric owners, their SQ sucks lol I know the comp vrs are better but to what extent I am not sure.


one of these days i should pick up a box and install my oldass kicker zr360.




I have a Kicker Solo-Barick L5 S12 (600W RMS). Quite honestly, I'm more impressed with this sub than I was with my two 12" MTX 5500's (300W each RMS). I bought the sub+box for $170 retail, which I would consider a pretty decent deal. The bass is definitely louder and hits a lot harder, but at medium and low volumes its also cleaner than what the MTX subs had. Then again, this is coming from the guy who never owned anything better.


I'm quite pleased with my L5, especially considering the fact that I now have ample trunk space to store all my junk (which was not the case with the dual 12" MTX subs.


IIRC, Kicker's are known for being able to play at very high volumes without distortion. A friend with 2 12" Kicker L7's managed to rattle the door handles off his 2000 Suburan...


Ive seen the full version of it. You need to see the full version then you get the real idea of that sub!


I have two of the12" Kicker comp vrs in my car 1500 watt Phoenix Gold amp in a sealed box. Mine sounds pretty good sound quality wise, I have a hell of a lot of bass tho, they bump pretty good. On the other hand my brother has two of the solobaric l5s with a 1500 (maybe 1800) watt JL audio amp. His hits much harder and has way clearer bass and all in all just sounds much better than mine. Oh and if it matters i Have a Jensen Flipout cd/dvd player and he has a Panasonic flipout cd/dvd player


Oh and if it matters i Have a Jensen Flipout cd/dvd player and he has a Panasonic flipout cd/dvd player


Which would be why his sounds better all around. Jensen is trash.


"Boulevard" and I met up half an hour ago or so go check up on his body work at the body shop, and I gave him a bass test run with my Kicker L5 S12. He can vouch for the loudness of this sub. He simply couldn't believe that all that bass was coming out of only *one* 12" sub.


I never really liked their normal cd players at all the two that i did have back in the day were just expensive garbage. The one i have now i bought for 1000$ and it has been a great cd player. Ive had for three years and never had a single problem with it. It has a complete equalizer and all kinds of other cool shit. IMPO I like mine much better than his. His cost less and doesnt do as much.


well it doesn't matter who's is better now, because it is mine indefinitely. His passenger window was ripped out last night and someone tried stealing his car, couldn't get it, and settled for ripping his cd player out.


well it doesn't matter who's is better now, because it is mine indefinitely. His passenger window was ripped out last night and someone tried stealing his car, couldn't get it, and settled for ripping his cd player out.


He got lucky. Two nights ago I had my trunk popped open and my whole system stolen. There went my eclipse amp, hifonics amp, 5 farad cap, and kicker L5.


I replaced it all luckily because I know a manager at best buy. Needless to say, I'm not installing the new system till I get a Viper Alarm installed first.


I've got a Kicker Comp VR 15", powered by a Power Acoustik, 1,200 watt Gothic Series amplifer, and it sounds great. The loudest system I've heard actually consisted of my sub and one identical to it that the previous owner had in his 97 GAGT, running 1,500 watts to each one, it was insane. He ended up wrecking his GAGT, and owed me some money, so I asked him if I could have the sub and we'd call it even. I curretly have it in my Z24 with a Kenwood KDC-MPV7019 deck which is a very nice deck(was $370 when bought in '02), but it is getting old. I've got nothing but Monster Cable going to everything. I also have a pair of Infinity Kappa 693.5i 6x9's running off a newly bought INFINITY REFERENCE 7541a (111 x 4 RMS) amplifier, and it's a damn nice setup. I prefer my 2 Pioneer 15" IMPP's in a sealed box over the kicker as far as clarity, they are way better, they also have a lower range. I used those in my 94 Cutlass running off 200 watts max each, they made my trunk lid oscillate up and down about an inch when running down to 15HZ. I'm using the kicker now because the Pioneer's won't fit, but when I get my 91 International going it's getting the Pioneer's for sure. I am particular to sealed boxes, and have never had the Kicker in one, I'm sure that would greatly improve the clarity. I've got a friend that's built sub boxes for about 15 years, and knows his shit. He built me a box for my Kicker with the "slot port" and it's insanely loud, he builds boxes that are better than you can buy anywhere. I am very satisfied with my Kicker, I've heard the new stuff sucks, but don't use it so I don't know.


He got lucky. Two nights ago I had my trunk popped open and my whole system stolen. There went my eclipse amp, hifonics amp, 5 farad cap, and kicker L5.

I replaced it all luckily because I know a manager at best buy. Needless to say, I'm not installing the new system till I get a Viper Alarm installed first.


You should let these guys know what you got now for your sounds before you deside to install it. Maybe they have suggestions to what were about to do to this car. Just a thought. :idea:


BTW, thinking about going to my ma's house on Saturday morning and showing you that Z34 bumper FTW, if your still interested. Also, thought we could try and install your system out that day too, FTW. I'm sure my dad has board and some 2X2s to frame a back wall for your amps and cap. We can pull your rear seats out and come up with some interesting ideas. We can then screen the amps by building a veneer board that'll be very secure for any future attemps of thieft. Shit We can even mount them between the trunk and the rear seats and get some pc fans to cool the stuff off. Easy if we work together. Besides, your alarm will be in by Friday. I called Frank and awaiting his call, but Friday should be good FTW. :mrgreen:

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