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Is this my best DIY option? I want to tint my rear tail light assembly, and I'm also heavily considering tinting my front signal lights and headlight lenses. Will I lose a lot of headlight brightness?


Opinions or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


DO NOT TINT YOUR HEADLIGHTS!!!!!! or you will probably die.


as for everything else, spray a few coats on, a few of clear, wetsand and polish, viola.

  Psych0matt said:

DO NOT TINT YOUR HEADLIGHTS!!!!!! or you will probably die.


as for everything else, spray a few coats on, a few of clear, wetsand and polish, viola.



yea I'd wouldnt tint the headlights, tails arent hard to do at all. Take your time, use very thin coats so it wont run and will lay down flat, wetsand, polish then that should do it.


Hmm, good thing I asked...


I know they aren't tints, but I've seen a lot of SUV's (Ford Explorers in particular) and some cars (mid 90's mustangs) with black covers on their headlights. Are those illegal too? Not like I'd do anything like it, but I'm just curious.


As for the tinting of the rear tail light assembly, I'm a bit new to these things...


What is wetsanding, and how is it done? What exactly should I use to polish it once I'm done?


Will I run into any issues with the lights being too dark?


I've seen another guy on here (a white regal GS) who tinted his headlights very slightly by painting the inside of the assembly.




If I took my headlights apart, what would I use to put them back together? They usually have some sort of glue that sticks the plastic lens to the metal behind it.


And one last thing. Where would I buy this nightshade?


The black covers are illegal, but I've never been given a hard time about mine. I have to take them off at night though, if I forget to take them off I find myself pulling over to do it because you can't see shit.



The tinted tails, depending on how dark you go and your local laws, can also be considered illegal. Again I have not been given crap for mine at all. Although I have to get a safety done on the car and they are one thing I'm worried about. Do yourself a favor, paint them on the car, mask off the body. I painted mine while I was clearing them, HUGE mistake! Because I had them off the car the paint didn't look that dark, I got them put back together and they are damn near black!

Here are 3 pics of my tails... taken before wet sanding and clear coat...













Wet sanding is done with a wet/dry sand paper and water. It helps float debris away from the sanding surface and makes for a smoother finish. Its typically used for higher grit sand papers usually 400 grit and up.

When you spray nightshades it comes out very thin, almost like a water consistency. Make sure that the lights surface is 100% clean and free of any contaminants because it will show up in the paint.

Take your time, do it right and I'm sure you won't regret it!




Thanks dude, that helps a lot. I still might take mine off though because it will be hard to get around the edges to make sure I don't miss anything. I'll keep in mind not to make them too dark though.


One last thing. Where do I get the clear coat?


any parts store, wal mart ,etc. I used 1000grit and 2000 grit, and turtle wax polishing compound


You COULD "tint" your headlights the same way me and Sean have done ours, but the first-gen Regal lights would look kinda "off" since they don't have clear lenses.

  digitaloutsider said:

You COULD "tint" your headlights the same way me and Sean have done ours, but the first-gen Regal lights would look kinda "off" since they don't have clear lenses.


Well at the very least, they'd be darker, which is what I'm going for. We'll see how they turn out.


  Psych0matt said:

any parts store, wal mart ,etc. I used 1000grit and 2000 grit, and turtle wax polishing compound


I checked 2 Advance Auto locations and an Auto Zone and they both neither had nor knew where to find any nightshade. I have no clue what it even looks like. I still have to check pep boys and Murray's though.


you probably wont fine niteshades at any store, i had to order it online. my post was in reference to you asking where to get clear coat

  Psych0matt said:

you probably wont fine niteshades at any store, i had to order it online. my post was in reference to you asking where to get clear coat


ah ok. So where online could I find it?


Around here the only place I can find it is in the speed shops. None of the stores carry it, apparently its a pain in the ass to get over the US/Canada boarder.




I bought mine at Summit too....and when it comes to applying it be sure to use multiple thin coats, if you try to do everything with one thick coat it will look like piss.

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