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Where are they!!!!


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Check that little door on drivers side that looks like a fuse panel opening. I belive it is a blue connector You will need to get the temperture sensor if you can from the car otherwise you wont have that. not that you need it and they are hardly ever correct. I have heard though that the spot for the sensor is not on every car but it might be.

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Check the cubby hole on the left side of the steering wheel, not the right side (the DIC goes on the left side...) There is a wiring harness directly behind it that have 2 rather large plugs taped up in it.

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They are taped to a wire loom in behind the left cubby... You gotta dig.. they are hidden behind all the tape. I didn't find mine until I started ripping off all the tape on damn near everything back there.

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ok found a 4x8 pin connector behind the left cubby that has a blue top and the main part of it is black. Is this the one, and if so, why the hell is it over there?

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ok i just took a shitload of pictures. i hope they help you out, you MUST have those wires somewhere. there are probably pretty big but i will try to downsize them (in terms of KB). gimme a few min....

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ok if u have dialup im sorry, i didnt feel like reducing the size of the files. they are about 300-400kb a piece.


This is a picture of me trying to recreate the position of the wires when i first ripped them out to install the DIC. it didnt LOOK like this, because they were wrapped in this soft material (now that im looking at the pic, its the same kinda material thats around my a/c vent). but they were in that same position except they were tucked down a bit more, and all in one group






in this picture, out of the 3 connectors, the biggest one on the right is the DIC connector. looks like you found the HUD connector. If you found the HUD connector, the rest of them MUST be near because they all branch out of the same bunch of wires




random picture of it connected




i took these pictures of my dashpad off for ur reference incase for some reason they are buried under here





and to be a good seller this is a picture of it turned on (and in my case doing jack shit :roll: ) and installed




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Man I need a GP. I want one, I will have one. It will be white, and it will have my 3800 S2 Turbo, I guess it will be a TGP. I will be cool. Everyone, (except for anyone) will want to be like me. Fukin Turkey Gravy.

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