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Painting Door Handles - PART 2


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Ok, not to long ago, i mentioned painting my door handles. After reading that I have to remove the rear window for the rear doors (this is in the Haynes manual) and consulting my dad, im going to do them on the car, but all the way. (the orig post - http://www.w-body.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4988)


Heres my plan


1) Tape area close to handles, to get it close and right

2) Cover with painters paper in that area, and tape boarder

3) cut hole in paper, little bigger than handle, and tape that too

4) Use some old sheets, cover car, and tape that to the underbody, inner fenders, etc.

5) Cut holes in sheets


6) Sand down handles

7) Clean em

8) Prime, sand, maybe another coat of primer

9) Remove tapes and paper

10) Reapply fresh stuff

11) Coat of green, or 2. wet sanding with 2000 grit b/t them

12) Remove, reapply tape/paper

13) 2 or so coats of clear,



How that sound? I plan to do most of it in the next day or so, and do the clear maybe on the 4th or 5th.


And how long should I let this stuff set before I detail. I was going to do it next week, but may hold off so the paint can cure. Its all duplicolors stuff.



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Well, have the front two primed now. Looks really good. Only two problems...


1) They all have this like ruber black thing arround, well, they are being painted too...and i think ill just pick of the paint in the end.


2) Overspray - Using the sheet, I still got overspay. Not to bad though, it was minaly from just a big cloud arround after painting. Soooo...Im going to paper more of the car tommorw, and not do the sheet. That, and what did get on there, I was able to wipe off immediatly.


The cars going to be detailed REALLY nice by me next week (off all week), so im cool with the little overspray still on there, since the clay will get it off.


So tommorw, Im going to put the first coat of green on the front. Im actually going to leave the rear to do Sunday, id rather have 2 new, and 2 old, rather than 4 half-assed.


Lastly, im taking quite a few pictures. Im doing some writeups over time for my website, including this and clearing up lights




PS - had to get the mandatory circus peanuts!

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well, tried painting in color today. The spray paint is tooooo green, compared to the Sea Foam green that my car is. But, the GM touch up paint is almsot a match. The spray stuff may look ok if i put on some clear, but I really dont think so that much



So, in a hour or so, im going to go sand what I have with 600 grit (just to not have soo many coats of paint on there), and then hand paint it with the touch up, sand, repaint, and clear. This should prodice te best results.


Im taking pics as I go to



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