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smokeshow + 4T60-E =


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PAIN............ that's right. I've always like to smoke the tires ALOT. so I've done it a lot before, and I know its hard on the trans but I won't do it any more now. I had hy gf's brother with me and he really likes my car so I figured I would show him some gm power. so I lit up the tires in first let it carry out till redline. shifted into second, rpms dropped for a second, speedometer climed up to 85 as the tach wound up to 6k and I held it there for about 30 ft, shifted to third then it bogged a little but kept climbing! the I let off. feeling bad for the poor little 4T60-E. he was impressed. I was too but not for long. as I was driving the car later that night I noticed a whine from the trans, as I was coming to my turn I downshifted to 3rd and. BOOM the horrible sound of metal flying apart. I knew what hapend I shattered the differential. I occasionaly manual shift the trans, and some say its bad, some don't. but I'm usually not that hard on the car. but I guess she had enough. well here's a pic. I figured I'd let you guys in on my weekend. and maybe give some of you a good laugh at my stupidity. but I have a spare differential and housing for it. I will replace that as of monday. it was a trans from the junkyard that I installed around february. atleast its just the diff. (i hope) :willynilly:

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I always had my 440T4 manually shifted into first gear for burn out time lol...over time I barely could get the tires to spin lol...something was either slipping or the motor was dying lol..

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DAMN. That sure did gernade itself. Although, don't feel too bad, if your sig is right and the trans is original, 164k is pretty good for the 60-E, driven nicely or beaten on like you've done.

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I replaced the trans once already. this is number two. but hopefully like brian P said just the diff and the housing that took the force and not other components. :frown: if not, then its a damn good excuse for a new motor and trans (l67 or built up lq1) :biggrin:

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she moves!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: i worked on it all wednesday i had to replace the differential and the diff. housing. luckily i saved these two parts from the last trans i had in the car. it was alot of work tho. that alternator is a pain on the DOHC i wish i could have replaced it will i had it off.

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