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ps manual and ds auto drive shaft the same? update with pics 9/01


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i don't know if anyone has tried, or compared them. but i'm comparing the driver's side drive shaft from a 4t60 and the passenger side drive shaft from a manual. unless i'm really wrong, it looks like i can use the auto shaft on the passenger side for the 5 speed. pics below.


on the left, the passenger side axle from a 4t60, in the middle, the driver's side 282 axle, and on the right, the driver's side 4t60 axle. sitting on top of the middle one is the inner spider bearing housing from a passenfer side 282 axle




reverse order for this pic




and this is the auto driver's side shaft and the inner spider housing from the 282



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no, i'm saying they are the same as they are. apparently, at least. the inner from the passenger side manual is the same as the inner from the driver's side automatic axle.


edit - the 282 axle inner is a TAD larger that the 4t60 inner. but it still looks like i can swap the inners and have to equal lenght shafts

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I don't think the driver's side 4T60 axle is long enough. You can test fit it, but I think the concensus is that it's just not quite long enough.


Good luck though, it took me forever to find the proper 282 passenger axle. I tried 3 different listings at NAPA, all were auto driver's sides, and at least 5 at Autozone. Eventually they made a mistake and two axles came in, one was the right one. What's bad was that the correct axle that finally came in, I had already ordered a few days prior and it was the driver's side auto axle that came in. Two different axles, same listing/part number.

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I'm no magician, but if the measurements are that close, you have a good shot with it.


well, i tried to slip a spare intermediate shaf ti had into the auto axle. the auto inner has a smaller diameter than the 282, so the int. shaft won't fit. i'm going to see if one of the local parts stores has a passenger side 282 axle in stock and compare the 2.


because it just looks to me like the auto axle will be long enough, i'l just have to put the 282 inner on it to fit the int. shaft.

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so here are the driver and passenger shaft for comparison. i swapped the inners today, but for some reason the boot isn't sealing correctly. if i move the inner up and down i can hear air rushing out.


so i have to redo the boot i guess, but they are as close to equal length as equal length can get.


what ya think?





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