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3.1 / 4t60 ... TCC only working SOMETIMES?

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This has been an ongoing problem for almost a year now. For the longest time, I thought it was 4th (O/D) gear that was acting up but I just recently found out its the TCC. Here's how it goes:


It seems to shift fine the first 30-or so minutes after starting the car. I would notice about 35 mph it would engage and then it would feel like it's "locked" into gear (pushing down on the gas only makes the engine rumble louder but the RPM doesnt really change... this is the TCC locked up, right?)


Anyways, after driving around a little bit, I notice sometimes the TCC will engage and then come back out. Sometimes I can get it to re-engage again but it only goes in at a higher speed (like 50 mph). Sometimes it will disengage itself and it wont work again all day. I remember I drove all the way to chicago with it working perfectly, then when I drove back, it didn't work at all except right when i pulled up on my street! It's completely random at this point all I can say is sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. it's extremely annoying, what is causing it? sticking tcc solenoid? Is this easy to change? Thanks.


You can unplug it on that car...Since it's not a 4T60-E. They're not easy to change at all. You have to remove the axle, drop the subframe down slightly to get the side pan off.


Would that be the problem though? or are there other parts in the torque converter clutch system besides the solenoid that could be at play here


P.S. - Found this thread http://www.w-body.com/forum/index.php/topic,19601.0.html I seem to be having the same exact problem, but didn't want to reply to that thread since it's mad old. Anyways, Just wanted to know if anyone has ever found a fix to that (even if that involves changing the tcc solenoid - I'm up for a challenge).


For me, it was the 02 sensor! Mine was so bad, I don't think it allowed my car to go into closed loop (or open loop?). Whatever the good one is.


If no one agrees with this, I did my millionth fluid/filter change at the same time. My torque converter works all the time now

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