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Trip meter


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Is there a way to get the trip meter to keep counting after the ing. is shut off? It's kind of annoying that it resets everytime, you shut the car off. TIA.

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Yeah, well mine doesn't. Everytime I shut off the car, the friggin thing resets, and it's killing me. I do know, that the stupidassbitchfukingsonofawhore :evil: that installed the stereo before I owned the car, wanted to save $13 damn dollars so he hacked up the harness, and I haven't gotten around to putting a new factory harness in. I thought everything was okay, as I haven't noticed any problems, but maybe this is the start of it.

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Oh yeah, I know that my cluster needs resoldering, but this has been this way since I got my car, and the cluster only started messing up w/ in the last 10 months. Is this a problem that could occur from the same problem but diff. symptoms? Thanks for helping my try to troubleshoot this. I got in a wreck this morning, so this all might be a moot point. I think it might be totalled but only because my Bluebook is $1225. We shall see.

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