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2 months go by and another problem... but what is it?

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OK guys, wat the hell is goin on with zoomy... head gaskets replaced 2 months ago and now this: hesitation on takeoff, codes 32 and 43 in the computer, and an overall feeling of loss of power. Could this all be due to the knock sensor and egr valve like the codes tell me or is it something else? Plus theres like a sqeaking noise when its running which i know to be the belts but i dont think they can get any tighter. I hope one of u guys can help me because u guys have been great help in the past and i really appreciate it. If i could repay the favor i definitely would.. Thanks!


Digital or Mechanical EGR valve?

If mechanical, let car idle and push on the diaphram of the EGR, if the car stutters, EGR works.

On the #43 code, I would look up whens the last time you've replace the ignition coils / wires / plugs.

But the ECM is mainly based around the Knock Sensor for this codes, so double check your history of replacements.

For the belt, it could be just old; if there are cracks in the belt (more than 10 in 1" strip) replace it.

Also, make sure it's not a loose belt tensioner or any other pulley that are making the noise. Best of luck!


- Erik


My vote is leaning more towards something with the EGR. Maybe the EGR is dumping too much exhaust back in, causing the hesitation/loss of power. The knock sensor would also give a loss in power, b/c it helps control timing, based on if you are gettin pre-detonation. If the EGR is dumping too much exhuast back in, it maybe cuasing the timing to go SO bad, that it also think the EST sensor is going out.



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