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Tips for First Ever Engine Swap? (91 supreme sl 3.1L) SWAPPED!! but leaking

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we are preparing to swap my very busted 3.1L to another 3.1L that is being delivered thursday...


if anybody has any tips that could save us a lot of time/fiddeling, it would be much appreciated...


up until this morning the idea was to scrap the car.. but we have decided to fix it up as a good and usefull project.




how similar is the 91 3.1L removal to the sticky'd thread "w-body engine pull" .. i believe it was a 3100 that was being pulled there




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It will be very very similar. Following those directions should get you going.


first off, welcome, and thanks for reading the sticky!!


it would be a very similiar process to that thread, i cant say for sure if it is exactly the same though.


remember that since this is your first engine pull, dont expect to have it out quickly. take your time, dont rush. if it doesnt come out easily, look around for something you might have missed. also, have some rust penetrator on hand, like Liquid Wrench, to help with those stubborn bolts.


good luck, and you rock for not scrapping your W !!!


good reading over the 3100 thread it looks like it should go pretty good if we take our time and the bolts come out nicely... I'm no stranger to tools, spend alot of time around them, and have spent a bunch of time with my car, so hopefully it'll help with some things.



This is the first engine removal that we've done. so it should be interesting.


did Rico mention that we're doing this in the driveway of his appt? LOL!!


in case anyone is wondering .. I am indeed the "RICO" that he speaks of..


and yes. location should be interesting for this project.. perhaps i will upload a pic later..




Apartment engine pulls have been done on here before, we are definately no stranger to that!


Where are you guys located? If the vehicle is pretty rust free, it shouldn't be too awful bad. If it a bit rusty, I suggest spray Liquid Wrench/PB Blaster/whatever rust breaker that you use plenty early on the stuff before you attempt.


i bought the car in 2003 .. previous owner undercoated it and bathed the engine compartment in oil every year.. so the rust is minimal.. i only drove the car for a little over a year... and not much has happened with it since......


i dont think it'll be that much trouble..... but wait.... nothing ever seems to go easy for us.... so who knows


i'm getting fidgety... want to get this project started...



The new (used, but new to me) 3.1 has arrived


now the fun can begin......


Thats cool you both are posting on here. Definitely take pictures for the heck of it, and make sure theres at least one where someone is standing inside the empty engine bay!


make sure you have your registration handy in case the cops get called.


"hey, someone is scrapping this car right in front of my apt...."



good luck, and definitely take pics!


oh there will definitely be pics! between learning the art of true cursing and removal. The biggest challenge is going to be getting the two of us together for the damn thing, i have weekends off friday-sunday, while he usually works those hours, and I do not imagine his neighbours will appreciate us working on this thing after dark LOL! :willynilly:


we'll hafta throw on a bunch of those 500Watt Worklites....... make the block look like mid afternoon out there.... burn out the neighbours' retinas while they attempt to sleep.....


Owen Sound Ontario eh? Good to see more Ontarians on here!! We're slowly taking over :gr_grin:


Go to TSC and pic up a couple cans of this. I just did my suspension job and it came in real handy. My car is pretty clean, but theres always rusty/stubborn bolts.




You will have to come out to the next Ontario meet... probably in September!




with a bit of luck... my car could be mobile by september.....


we'll see how work goes.. speaking of work ...... i used to work at tsc here in owen sound..



so what i really need..... is for people to stop ordering rogers cable and to stop cutting the cable lines to their house...... then i might be able to get a few days off to get this car rolling......




since i started this thread.... i'm maybe a quarter of the way to getting the busted engine out......




well..... everything is disconnected..


we are having trouble getting the engine and tranny to shake free... for now the project is on hold .. probably until friday.... which is the next time we have same day off


there were a few more connections than i think we thought there were going to be


helps having the replacement engine already to see where things connect to


well... its going well..


we've got the old engine out.. and salvaged the necessary parts... bolted them onto the new engine... so its ready to drop in.... we think



here is a link to a few photos... including the obligatory.. sitting in the empty engine compartment



i apologize for not wearing a shirt in one of the pics... it has been hot out this week....




nice job. i may have to pull my engine someday and that makes it look a little less intimidating :mrgreen:


we'll let you know how the install of the replacement goes..


then we'll see how intimidating it really is..



  EFFENDI said:

... including the obligatory.. sitting in the empty engine compartment






bolted in .. sitting pretty ... most of everything is back in...


we have one plug that we dont know where it goes as of yet..

i believe it was clipped onto the front of the oil pan along with the wires to the starter motor..

it is a 2 wire female connector .. the two pins are almost about 3/4 inch apart..

has a green coloured water seal around it..


will take a picture later if nobody knows what i'm talking about....


from the length and position of it... it looks like it goes somewhere around the AC unit..




it was a late night last night.....


worked 8-5 installing rogers cable... then we met up here and worked on the engine until 2 am..


went to bed around 2:30... up at 6:15 to go to work again...


i'm a very hurting unit today..




can it really be considered good work??


considering we have a connector that doesnt know where it belongs??




thanks for the praise though.... some very good progress was made last night....





having one unknown connector is pretty good :lol: shouldnt be hard to figure out esp if you get us some pix.


pictures of my connector are here




the connector is dangling underneath the ac unit.. near the oil filter..


it wont reach very far so it must be here somewhere... i think it was clipped onto the front of the oil pan in that area as well when we pulled the engine...


if i remember correctly it was still attached to another cable when we pulled the engine out... had to clip the zip tie holding them together while the engine was coming out ...




such a mystery this connector is... at the time of these photos light levels were difficult to give a good pic... without flash too dark.... with flash .. to reflective/bright



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