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Very odd behavior for my Lumina

Whiskey River

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Ok, here goes, I was coming back from Home Depot when my speedo suddenly dies and the SES light comes on, the tranny also drops out of lockup. About another 3 miles down the road the car just dies. After about 20 minutes, it fires back up and acts completely normal, in fact, it acts normal for the rest of the day. As I was heading to McDonald's at around 9:00pm. I hit the key and hear the fans kick on when I start the car. The SES light is shining bright. I plug in my ALDL connector and notice that there is absolutely no data coming across the ALDL port. I wait about 10 minutes, go back out, hit the key again and it starts right up as though nothing has gone wrong. The FreeScan software on my laptop reports no codes stored. I have went over the car and given it the "Ford Shakedown Test," or in laymen's terms, I unplugged and plugged everything back in and it appears to be fine. Has anyone experienced behavior like this? When I had the trouble later on, it was almost like the ECM was in diag mode as both of the fans had come on. Could it be the ECM going out or does anyone have any ideas that might help? I could certainly use them right now. Thanks.

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Your car might be overheating or something...


I have similar problem before and I rigged my fan to both turn on at the same time to help cool down the coolant.


I went ahead and flushed my coolant and replaced it with a new coolant since I have not flushed the coolant since owning it.

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Sounds like a software problem / ecm crash (kinda weird). Microsoft hasn't taken over the code for GM recently... have they? :lol: the "reboot" probably did it just fine.

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Yeah, after pulling the fuse, it acted up only one more time, I pulled the fuse again and left it out for about 10 minutes, plugged it back in and started the car. So far it appears to be running OK. I wonder though if my ECM is on it's way out and is now going to start giving me intermittent problems.

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It's not unusual for a bad ECM to do stuff like that.

Bad ECM is real hard to diagnose, that's why I keep a spare to swap in anytime the engine starts acting real weird.

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Would an ECM from any GM work as long as the Service Number is the same? i.e. the 1227727. I just want to expand my options should this give me anymore grief. The JYs around here are slim on w-body cars.

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