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Looking for some ideas or input


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ahh input!!! ok lame 90's reference aside :lol:





now that i have these snazzy new bright blue plug wires im thinking of painting some parts under the hood, i am thinking i can go blue now but im not 100% sure if it will work, i am basically thinking of pulling and painting the sturt bars and the dogbone mounts and the dogbones themselves, and thats pretty much it gonna leave the engine cover off for now i never did like the way it fit always seemed to sit funny to me.


and also i still have this



if i went blue on stuff under the hood you think that could be used on the soon to be installed SLP upper? instead of the knight shield as first decided? im looking at the bowtie on the front as a sneak peek of what your getting under the hood...


ideas, thoughts? all is appreciated

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ok thats an input:lol: how about an idea... for now im kinda stuck with the wires and they stick out like a sore thumb when you open the hood


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:lol: noted... wasnt sure... now i feel really old thanks!


think it would look ok if i painted the bars and bones blue? wouldnt be a bright blue like the wires prolly closer to the blue in the bowtie or maybe a bit darker.

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:lol: they use those cause other than the color they are a great wire.. and lets face it most ppl prolly dont give a shit what color wires they have
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the only colors I see working on mounts and tie bars is black, or body color. It would look ass-tastic in white (the exception), so black it is! or if it still bugs ya, go for black metallic or heck, gunmetal?

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I say go a darker blue with everything. almost a navy. was it dan that did a bunch of stuff the dark orange/red in his engine compartment? that looked really good, nice and glossy. i say a dark blue

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see i keep leaning back to the darker blue just because of the wires and the fact that other than little spots of color... there is no color on my car, i keep the engine really clean so i would like to have some punch when the hood is open for pics and shows. anyone up for a photochop? trying to envision just how it might look

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