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progress on the tgp: update 12/01 it runs!!!


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started to tear into the tgp today in preperation for the 5 speed swap.


i stopped because i had to take my nieces home. here is where i left off:






turbo and crossover out. strut out.


here are some things i found that concern me:




you'll notice this is the same pic from above. what you may also notice is that there are two extra wires here. a white one and a black one. they are tied into the starter wires for some reason i have yet to figure out.




the weld is broken here one the subframe. while this sucks, this may give me reason to go grab an aluminum subframe i saw on a recent j/y trip.




this is the best. don't know exactly what's happening here.




this, apparently, is where they put the bolt through.


there is more work than i though here, but nothing that can't be fixed.

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i don't think so. i think they just put the bolt in upside down and put a nut on it.


anyhow, got the tranny out today.


warning to anyone who is stupid enough to attempt removing an auto from the driver's side... don't let it crush your fingers. i just got back from the hospital, where my mom fixed me up. i'll be taking the next couple days off work because i won't be able to carry any furniture.


but on the plus side, i got a hot nurse my mom works with to kiss my boo-boo.


hey, off on a couply tangents here. oh, and i got some good pills. not sure exactly what, but they make me a bit dizzy. i'm going to sleep. probably.



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i'm ok. it hurts like a mother, and i w on't be able to carry anything for a while.


now i'm ready to bolt the clutch kit in and slip the tranny in place.

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what's different about them? if it's not completely reengineering it, i may still go for it. it's clear that i need a new subframe, so i have to do something

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The mounting points aren't even close to the same. Do a search for that dual motor Cutlass topic, I think it was covered in depth in there.

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well shit. so now i'll have to find another cradle.


and thanks, my hand will be fine. i'm on light duty for a few days at work while my finger re-knits itself. i'll be back to work on the tgp next week

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  • 2 weeks later...

back at it again today. moved the trans from the spot where it crushed my finger. removed the shitmasterIII abs sytem. removed the steering column/pedal bracket. unbolted the firewall plate and it is ready to come out.


just in case you're wondering, yes, when i moved the trans i checked for the piece of my finger that it cut out. no, i didn't find it.


just two pics today






so, now i'll be ready to put the new firewall plate in and begin reassembly. anyone have any pics or tips on cutting the clutch master cylinder hole? i know it's sort of square with one corner cut off. other than tha, i don't remember exactly how it looked.

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how does the PMIII attach to that hole? i know on my vacuum brake one has a weird twist lock system to hold the booster on.


are you going to modify your existing firewall plate or modify a MT one?

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the pmIII unit attaches to bracket that bolts to those 4 bolt holes around the pushrod boot.


i have the firewall plate from my old 90 that i did the 97+ interior swap in. it was an auto with vacuum brakes. i'll have to modify the plate to fit the amster cylinder, but the vacuum brakes will be easier this way.

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are you keeping the PMIII? if so it sounds like you could use a vacuum plate and bolt your bracket to it?


i would personally go out of my way to track down the correct plate, i couldn't imagine doing the job without it.

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the pmIII is going in the trash. i'm converting to vacuum. it looks like you COULD bolt a pmIII directly to a vacuum plate, had you the desire.


i have a source on a vacuum brake car with a 5 speed. i'll be buying the whole setup, just waiting for my hand to be 100% again before i go to take it all out. however, i don't think modifying the vacuum brake plate to fit the master cylinder will be that bi of a problem.

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personally i would keep the PMIII but that is a subject for a different thread.


i know people have modified them to fit, however after comparing the 2 i can see that the auto plate has the hole at an angle where the MT one has the hole perfectly flat. then again i am a big stickler for doing the job 100% correct.


BTW what ever happened to the parts you had from that STE?

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the one time i drove the tgp, the abs didn't work. i'm not going to waste any money on it trying to figure it out. plus, i don't like abs. don't know why, just don't like it


the ste had abs. i couldn't imagine having another car with abs and a 5 speed, so the firewall plate went with it.


now, had i known i was going to fall into the tgp, i would have stuck with abs and kept the firewall plate.

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Just a quick question about the dash tear down....


Becasue of my own stupidity, I forgot a steel shim type thing while I I had the top of the dash off a few weeks ago.


I sealed it all up not realizing it was there (right in front of / behind the gauges, and then heard it slide down through the dash like Plinko on the The Price is Right.


Anyway, I took the top of the dash off, and the kick panel underneath, but couldn't find it........but I know it's in there somewhere.


Just wondering how many bolts and how much time to get the whole dash to where you're at......which is probably the only way I'll find the damn thing!


I don't mean to get your thread off topic, so you could PM me if you want.


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  • 1 month later...

sorry, man. i don't know why i missed you post. did you get it taken care of?


anyhow, update. the 282 is in. the new firewall plate and column support bracket with clutch pedal are in.


i need a few things to keep the progress moving. a vacuum brake booster (i broke mine), a passenger side 282 drive shaft, and a couple other things i'm not thinking of right now.


due to a lot of personal problems and my work schedule, i've had little time to work on this. had to quit today bcause it started raining. also, i may have to sell my tgp to help out some people with money. hate to do it, but if things don't straighten out, i'll have to.


so, pics:










and a question. is there a difference between an auto and manual trans mount plate? i ask because in the second pic, you can see how far the plate is from where the mount bolts to the tranny. it may line up when i jack the frame back up, but it looks to far away to me.

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