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new hood time!


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i just got my check today, and in a few minutes im off to the junkyard to pick up my new hood! :D it is silver, do you guys think i should put it on right away, and wait till i have the paint and everything to paint it and then take it off and paint it, or do you think i should just keep the old dented one on till i have the stuff, then paint the new one and stick it on there? personally i wanna get the new hood on there as soon as i can, because anything it going to look better than that nasty ass dent with all the paint chipping off, plus its silver, so people might think its a carbon fiber hood? oh well, tell me what you think, im paying 100 bucks for it

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I'd leave the one you have on now until you get the new one painted. It would be a pain in the ass to put it on, take it off, then put it back on again. And carbonfiber hoods are gay.. just my opinion :D

Good luck!

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carbon fiber is usally black aint it?


Captian Obvious stirkes again! Yeah, it is.

But it can be highlighted with any other color to match the body paint (if desired).


PhantomFE3, buy the hood and stash it away; prep and paint it when the car's being completely done. I've done some color-matching through my years and you'll always can tell what part on a car were repianted compared to the original paint. Yeah, you can slap on the hood right away but prepare to notice the discoloration between fenders, etc.


- Erik

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