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Off to the W-Body Gathering


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As the title says, were departing from Hays at 5:30 Friday morning for Springfield. I'll be taking my digital camera, as well as camcorder so be expecting to see some pictures when we get back!

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Day one: We arrive at the hotel a little after 3 in the afternoon. There's 4 of us in a convoy from Kansas, including Aaron's 92 Z34 from colorado. It looked like we were the only ones that had showed up for the show at the time. Se we met up wih John, went out ti Applebees for dinner, and then proceeded to the track for the friday night test and tune. We all had decent results at the track. The best time I could get out of the TGP was a 15.2, which was a bit upsetting, but I know with some launching experience and some more work to the car, it'll be running much better soon. Aaron ran a 14.7 in his lumina Z34, which he will be bragging about on the forums soon I'm sure. :roll: Aaron J was able to pull the best time of 15.6 on his 2000 Grand Prix GT, and Kristin ran a 15.6 in her 1997 GTP.

Overall we had a great time at the track. There were some awesome cars there, as well as a few other W-Bodies. Nathan (sonyman87) ran a 15.4 in his 95 Lumina LS, and there was a 98-00 Monte Z34 there that ran a best time of a 13.3..... Which was odd, because he claimed to be completely stock aside from exhaust. We watched him do another run and he ran a 15.9, and I think a 16.0, so there must have been an error with the timing system on his 13.3 run.


But, for now, I'm off with the others to wash our cars and get them ready for the show.

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The show was pretty informal. We had 7 cars show up.. Myself, Aaron, Nathan, Kristin, Aaron J, John, and Shawn.. small, but it was still a fun time. We all met at the park for a few minutes, and then proceeded to get some lunch. After that we all took a stroll over to Shawn Lin's house to take a look at his W-bodies. We stayed there and talked for a while and then took off. Headed back to the hotel relaxed for a while. Later on that night we visited some shops around town and went out rice hunting. We all had a couple of encounters.. Nathan found a pretty fast turbo honda, and I caught a couple of kids off guard with the TGP.


All in all the event was fun.. the turn out wasn't too great, but it was nice (as always) to put a face to a screen name and to see those you haven't seen for a while.

Were looking at having the 2004 Midwestern W-Body Meet down here in Springfield again next year. John and I have discussed things vaguely and are excited to start planning next year event. But of course, there will be more to come on that soon enough.



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It was great meeting everybody! :rocking:

Several people rode with a friend so although only 7-cars showed up, it wasn't a bad sized group.


Were those Nathan's parents that showed up with the camcorder and camera? They seemed awful excited so I'm surprised they didn't stick around. :)


Before the show on Saturday, Penny spotted several nice W-bodies with rims and such. There are apparently a lot more W-body enthusiasts in the Springfield area that just aren't on the forum or aware of the gathering. We may have to start recruiting members the ClubGP way (putting a card on peoples' cars).

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