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fun power toys?


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ok, i have a '94 Grand Prix SE with the BYP package. does not have power driver's seat, HUD, or DIC. however, i would like to install a leather interior (with power seat) and a HUD. are the connections for these still on my car tucked under the carpet and hidden inside the dash respectively? i've heard they are still there, but when i was probing for the connection for the seat...i couldn't find anything. can anyone help me out?

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hey ur not allowed to install a HUD before i do :P


umm...so...what if i told you my buddy has one for me? still doesn't answer my question! if i find one, i'll make sure you know about it. i just don't feel like ripping my dash apart to find out the long and tedious way.

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u have hud wiring already.........as for teh pwoer seat i dont know know. if u dont havea power seat already i dont thin u do, but i could be wrong

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