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A/C compressor not engaging

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I need some help, when I push the A/C button the compressor does not turn on, the engine does not rev. I also checked to see if there was some refrigerant in the system there is some but not alot. Is the A/C pressure sensor telling the computer that there is not enough refrigerant so the computer doesn't turn on the compressor. When I was checking to see if there was refrigerant in the system there were two ports near the battery one of them (bigger one) has a valve stem and has some refrigerent. The smaller one has no valve stem.


just go to autozone and get a R134a recharge kit. failing that, you might have a bum clutch.


If anytime you think you have a leak on your a/c system, don't assume it is the compressor. The a/c compressor is the number culprit but leaks in the condenser, evaporator and a/c lines happens all the time.


I'd recommend using a leak detector (flourescent dye) with goggle and that you know where the leak is coming from and not waste unnecessary parts that might be good in the first place.


Leaks in the compressor shaft seal happens all the time and there was no leak sealer in the compressor before but now, there are "some" leak sealer that actually seals the shaft seal on the compressor properly. If the seal it totally shot then that leak sealer might not be able to seal it and go ahead and buy a new "compressor and accumulator".


Well I need to buy some refrigerant except I live in Canada and its illegal here and I have R-12 in my A/C system. If I go to the states and I go to autozone or advanced auto parts or pep boys or walmart could I buy a R-12 alternative product called Freeze-12 and use it on my Grand Prix?I don't want to do a conversion I just want to fill the A/C with refrigerant. Could someone tell me the process and where I should fill it? I did R-134a before on our 1996 Nissan Quest it was easy, but I'm not sure about Grand Prix.


no i dont think you can buy any of that here except have a certfied shop fill it.


i used the retrofit kit on my truck, the fittings that come with it suck and ruined the valve stem on my ac line


I've heard of something called GHG-12.

You might do a google search of it.


Have you checked to make sure the fuse for the A/C isn't blown?


No I haven't checked the fuses, where should they be in the engine compartement or in the glovebox? I checked e-bay and they do sell freeze-12 its an enviromentally friendly product that uses no CFC's like R-134a, it can also mix with R-12

No I haven't checked the fuses, where should they be in the engine compartement or in the glovebox? I checked e-bay and they do sell freeze-12 its an enviromentally friendly product that uses no CFC's like R-134a, it can also mix with R-12


As for the fuse, it is in the glovebox.

  • 8 years later...

Having this same problem with my 2002 Grand AM GT. Blowers all work fine, but I cannot hear the AC engage when I turn the AC on.


I checked all the fuses I could think of that might have something to do with the AC, but does anyone know which one would specifically pertain to this problem? I have limited vehicle knowledge, so I am not sure from the list of fuses which one would directly affect this problem.


Fuses aside, should I just try a recharge kit as a first line of troubleshooting?


Thanks for your time,




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