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Cluster F*cked...


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94' GP Sedan 3100.


I have been driving this thing for a few weeks and noticed some peculiar things. Other than my gear selector not aligning right my temp gauge like to dance around from 80*-120* a lot. I was thinking the cluster is screwed, but...


Friday Fun - On the 103 doing 110kph and looked down to see my temp guage all the way up and the light on. I pulled over and popped the hood. Both fans were blaring away... I decided to feel the rad cap ... cold? Engine.... barely warm after 3-5mins of highway driving. WTF? Now the car is running like shit. I tried to put the code reader on it and not only did it not offer codes but not even a diagnostic check code at all.


I was thinking that originally, since this was a highway only issue with RPMs high at 3300-3500 at 100-110 that maybe my valance was damaged and the tranny was overheating ... lol. Sorry, just had to say that.


Anyway. The car idles like shit. It's burning gas like crazy. Sometimes the car just wont start depending on ... well whatever (alignment of the sun and moon???).


Anyone besides me think the computer is toast or getting there?

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Computer wont have any control over your guage being all funny. I would start with a T-stat, maybe a tune up and O2 sensor. And see what that gets ya.

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Computer wont have any control over your guage being all funny. I would start with a T-stat, maybe a tune up and O2 sensor. And see what that gets ya.

I wouldn't say that, When my memcal chip was loose in mine, my speedo when crazy.

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arg! I feel like I am in the dark with this setup.


The ADLM connector is a 12pin but not the same setup as the 12pin. I did'nt realize this until I looked at the code book and it said 'doesn't work with 94' GrandPrix'




I even tried the simple paperclip method since the 2 pins are top and bottom and nothing. Anyone got an idea how I can read codes on this byatch if there are any at all?



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Crap! I can't get time enough to work on the car and when I do it's shitty weather.


Today may have helped narrow down the issue.


It's deffinately temperature related and probably not a cluster issue.


Driving on the highway for 10kms and the car will not blow warm air. The temp hits the top and the light comes on ... then after another 5kms the light goes off and the guage drops as heat finally comes through the vents. Then after a bit the guage slowly rises but the temp light does not come on.


Anyone have a picture of the temp sensor location since I am going by Vin T schematics seeing that I don't have a book newer than 93'. I see where they stuck the thermostat and I am not laughing. :mad: At least it's not THAT bad. Whats the chance of a stuck but non-leaking water pump? Is it possible for the impellor to stick with a free running shaft? I'm hoping the car will cool down soon before I lose daylight today so I can fix this... fack!


Funny how when your not working you don't have the money to work on a vehicle but lots of time and when your working you have the money but not enough time.



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now it's not sounding so much like a sensor issue. When the car reads hot and no heat is blowing, is the upper radiator hose hot or cold? When it starts blowing warm is that upper hose suddenly warm?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Picked up a 19mm deep socket and put the new sensor in.


Still overheats.


I think it's the damn thermostat. Either someone put it in backwards or it's toast because it seems like the system is pressurizing against a blockage at that end and when it reaches critical mass it back feeds which is how a sudden burst of heat is coming after a long pause.


What I can't understand is how it could do this is this is the case since it would have to go reverse around the water pump. If that was the case then wouldnt that take a shit load of pressure? and if so wouldnt it not blow hoses instead? Can the impellor on the pump detach from the pulley and the pulley continue to function without driving the impellor to pump the system? Can a waterpump go and not leak? I REALLY don't want to install a new pump too... If thats the case I'm gonna cry like a Hilton. =o

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When you take the radiator cap off, does coolant spew everywhere, or is your overflow tank...overflowing? From what you said about it "pressurizing against a blockage" it sounds like you head gasket might be bad, and all that compression is getting into the coolant passages and preventing it from going through the engine and keeping it in the radiator. If that makes any sense.

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Picked up a 19mm deep socket and put the new sensor in.


what? the temp sensor by the tstat? wrong sensor! the temp sensor[for the gauge] is located on the rear head on the d/s corner.


replace the tstat too while you go at it.

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Well it doesnt matter now since I think the car's days are measured. It's gonna die soon because I dont want to put money into fixing it and all I can think of is finding the asshole that sold it 'anonymously' to me and driving it into the front of his stealership. That or make a nice big sign stating that I bought it at 'this' auction and had it for 6 weeks and it's dead 'BUYERS BEWARE OF LEMONS', 'DOCTORED MOTOR CONDITION' and park it at the entrance to the auction every Saturday morning to scare customers away.


The fact that it LOOKS like it's in amazing condition will also help the signage.

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I had the same problem. I replaced the temp sensor with no results.. I ended up following the wires from the temp sensor to the back side of the engine, where I found some wires had been melted together and were shorting. I would check that.

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Hot Dog we have a wiener ...


today's little excusion had a nice puff of steam come from by vent today... guess I found the blockage ... hello dead heater core.


Gonna get a new one and try it out.

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Interesting story. lol.


Took the car to someone who REALLY knows what they are doing and found out that the asshole who sold it at auction, had it to the same place and had the same diagnosis. Also since this was the first chance to have it up on a hoist I got to see that the rear end was ready to come apart.


So head gaskets are TOAST! and some rear suspension. Grand total for a $1500 car in repairs ... $2200 with no guarantee that the motor's heads are toast as well. So I paid to have a quote done so that I have documented proof for work that if I don't have a vehicle, they lose all their production ... both offices. They also lose time having to drive me to the other office or lose a truck that normally has a 2 man crew on site or the other office's Engineer has get up 1 hour +/- and lose 1 hour +/- to pick me up and drop me off.


The guy at the GM dealership that actually looked at the car back when the used car dealer had it. He told me he couldn't believe that guy had the balls to sell someone the car.

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