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Old school cool.


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Just finished this mod, one of the best things I hve done for less then $100 for everything.


okay so it is sequential turnsignals, but the video isn't showing well do the the ambient light, just gotta wait till night time...Sorry :redface:



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First the "Wig-Wag" Mod for the front, which is the way GM used to do things:



Next the Sequential Turns:



And here are the individuals:






AS far as how I did it, I used a system from Webelectric. Dave beat me to it as I just ordered the kit after the weather got warm and I had a job at the same time. But my car sould eb coming up next on the site as well.


I can help if anyone has any questions. Yeah with the aid of my 8 year old was done in basically a morning, and was of minimal cost...

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I did this with my old STS (well my parents...but it was the first car I drove).


I had the same problem your's does in that they sequenced to fast. The old T-birds and Cougars sequenced MUCH slower, which is much more amusing to watch. IMO they look stupid (as they did on the Caddy) when they sequence quickly.


To fix this you need to grab a mechanical flasher, as opposed to the electric ones that most cars use today. With mechanical flasher units you can adjust the "blinking" speed, and thus slow down the sequencing rate to a more resonable time frame. Check autoparts or truck (big rig) parts joints. Trucks still use mechanical flashers becasue electric flashers get tripped by to much load (to many lights)


Once you do this, your sequential turn signals will look like a million bucks!

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