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Project GT Day3 Update


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I recently recieved Mad Jad's 94 L67 Swapped GT Sedan. I know some of you saw the wiring on the inside of that car.



I have decided to take on the challenge and restore the car back to its pre wiring set up.


I recieved it friday May 11th and i have started working on it.

Day 1 i made a plan on exactly what i am going to do.

Day 2 I started tearing out useless wires and take out the seats and trim.

DSC00395.jpgWhat i tore out for day 2





There are holes in the roof and trunk that my friend and myself are going to patch and repaint





Its gonna be a long process but i assure you i will finish it.



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may the force be with you :)

lol that goes good with my avatar. :lol: anyways good luck man. i cant wait to see it when its done. :burnout:
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It had alot of antenna's as Q-ball stated. Yeah the wiring is a mess. But alot of the wiring in it right now goes to nothing. I have removed a big ass handful of it so far. But thats what i am doing right now. Chasing wires to see what they do. I think it will probably take a month to get the wiring done. Its neat tho. It has some custon switches and a few gauges already installed. It also have shiftview and a volt monitor installed already.


I will be patching the roof and repainting it. I have a spoiler to put on it and some fog lights to integrate into the bumper. Also i will be putting in a new block and doing a tune for Gas mileage


The car came with a VS cam, FWI, Custom Pcm & tranny cooler.


I will keep all up to date on it.

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Update DAY 3


Well today i was back on the wiring again. Come to find out it is really integrated in there and is hard to get untangled but i am not getting down about completing this task. I am gonna bring this car back.


The things i Got finished today are:

A big ass handful of wires once again




And pulled the whole dash out







Now the inside is trashed



Im getting there. Hopefully done by the fall.



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i noticed you only removed part of the dash and not the "frame" i guess youd call it. thats kinda a good idea cuz that gives u more room but lets you run them again properly

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He put a lot of stuff in here. So i am just going to remove the wiring and start over. I found the car i am getting the wiring from and im just gonna transplant the wiring and the dash into the GT.

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i have never seen that much wire in any one car. that is insane. glad you are not getting your spirits down on completing it though. good to see someone dedicated to finishing what they started. keep up the good work.

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He put a lot of stuff in here. So i am just going to remove the wiring and start over. I found the car i am getting the wiring from and im just gonna transplant the wiring and the dash into the GT.


thats def the best route to go. should be way easier too

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You definately have the right idea there, I can't imagine how long it would take to make sense of all those wires. So are you just returning the wires to stock then altering them, neatly, to accomidate the L67?



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