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What are they worth? Hell if I know.

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Okay, so I've decided to sell my subs from the Beretta to finance a new camera for myself, since I'm sick and tired of my photo skillz being pwned by my shitty 99 dollar Polaroid craptacular thing.


I just don't know what they're worth (the subs, I mean). They hit hard, not ear splitting or anything, but WAY better than you'd expect two cheap 10s to hit. They had the Beretta ready to fall apart I'm sure (but then again that didn't take much). The wiring was left in the car when it was sold, but the amp is still there, along with the custom and very well fitting box.


So, what are they worth?


Oh. They're Swiss Audio, if that makes a difference.


I can't find a damn picture of them. I've deleted them all. My camera's too dead to take a pic now, too. You guys rememer 'em don't you?!


Oh. They're Swiss Audio ........ You guys remember 'em don't you?!

never heard of em. and there's only 2 on ebay right now, so they arent common. where'd you get them?


BTW resale value of used car audio equipment blows.


Probably worth about $10-20 for both.

My JL 12W1's only went for $20-30 each.


BTW resale value of used car audio equipment blows.


Yeah, I noticed it does now, but things didn't always used to be that way. It used to be you could get almost new price for car audio on eBay. Times have changed a lot. I was shocked at how little I got for my "like new" amps and subs when back in the late 90's I could sell a crappy Pyramid or Legacy 50x2 amp for nearly $100 on eBay.



yeah, if you have the room, I think its more worthwhile to keep your old audio stuff in the corner of your basement or something. I think that's what I'm going to do with mine.


You'll find a use for it eventually...right. I know, back home, we ended up putting them in the drop cieling as speakers...only powered by the built in amp in the reciever we had inside. It wasn't great, but next to a 4x6 (wired the same way) it didn't sound half bad. Or maybe, in another vehicle that you buy, you'll want subs too.

Somebody will want subs at some point, and you might as well save those subs than sell them for nothing and have to pay an arm and a leg for new ones at some point.


yea the best thing to do with it is find some way to re-use it. i have a clarion 10 " with some bastardized amping for my homestereo and i have 2 jl 10's running off of an alpine amp and a computer power supply for my computer...trust me theres uses for these things lol.


wow, you've got me beat...


the amp runs off the power supply ok? that would be worth a try


Newer PC power supplies have pretty beefy 12V rails. It would work just fine.


Well... resale of car audio does suck, unless you get top of the line, made for the ultimate sq/spl. Or if you buy non-big box brands.


It really all depends what it is, how it was played, if it was abused(clean or clipped signal), and most importantly- What brand it is.


I mean, I've seen blown subs still sell for a good amount of money.


They weren't used but maybe once a month at the most. I'm thinking about hauling them up in the Toyota and taking them to a few car audio stores around here and see what they say.


wow, you've got me beat...


the amp runs off the power supply ok? that would be worth a try


yea usually as long as you use a power supply that has a higher rated wattage than your amp you should be good...i found that out when my power supply decided to turn off because my other amp was using to much :rolleyes:




Swiss Audio is one of many "flea market" brands, like boss, audiopipe, lanzar, visonik, etc. Your best bet would be go down to the nearest high school when school is letting out and try to sell em to some kids in the parking lot lol. But seriously you wont get much on ebay, you can get those subs online new for next to nothing. Your best bet is to sell them to a friend of a friend or something. There are always people looking for audio stuff.


Swiss Audio is one of many "flea market" brands, like boss, audiopipe, lanzar, visonik, etc. Your best bet would be go down to the nearest high school when school is letting out and try to sell em to some kids in the parking lot lol. But seriously you wont get much on ebay, you can get those subs online new for next to nothing. Your best bet is to sell them to a friend of a friend or something. There are always people looking for audio stuff.

Hmm....my best friend's little brother is getting my best friend's old Grand Am. Maybe he'll wanna slap the subs in there. Thanks for the info everyone.

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