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custom cold air intake

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as you all know i have a custom made cold air intake (look n my sig if you dont know) all it consists of is a k&n filer attached to the air hose, im waiting for the paint to dry on a pvc pipe i painted today to use that to make a space from the air hose and the air filter, so it will be a *true* "custom" cold air intake, ill take some pics after i get it installed :wink: but ya when i had the air box in, there was a little plug that plugged into the top of the airbox, since i dont have the airbox anymore, what do i do with the plug? drill a hole in the pvc take out the little metal thing that was in my airbox and transplant it into the pvc? does it affect performance?


that is a temp sensor, i forget its acronym and exactly what it does when the incoming air gets warmer. also you do realise that is not a cold air intake? that is a warm air intake.....because...it sucks in hot ass air in the engine compartment. CAIs piping stretches all the way past the battery (which must be relocated) and into the driver side fender.


thanks for the info on the cold air intake, ill try some plumbing methods to help me with that, but ya, any ideas about the temp sensor?!?!?!?


The plug you are mentioning is your air temperature sensor. I'd recommend drilling your pvc pipe so you can put that air temp sensor on your custom air intake.


I also have a custom air intake but my air temperature sensor is just haning on the side.

Today, I just drilled my pipe so I can put the air temperature sensor back in.


I agree, no PVC, should get some aluminum tubing. And, that sensor the MAT/IAT is important. It is used during cold starts and cold idling, it senses the temp and tells the ECM how to idle and what not. Very critical, dont leave it out.




what if i wrapped the pvc in steel foil? YES STEEL not aluminum, i have it from my dads work, its real steel and its like aluminum foil but thicker and its steel


PVC is not temprature resistant. even in steel foil its not that great. get some alumn. ceramic paint it inside and out.


oh fuck it, do they make 3 inch heating conduit? like the kind you see that your heater in your house uses?

oh fuck it, do they make 3 inch heating conduit? like the kind you see that your heater in your house uses?


That or dryer duct works well



like the bendy hose stuff, that is like rings that is shiny?


yeas dog, dat be da shiznits I were talking 'bout.




On my car, I just removed the air box. I still use the intake hose and got me an exhaust pipe coupling.

I went to our local autoparts store and the store marked it 3" ID x 3" OD but actually it was 3.13" x 3"


The 3" side goes into my cone filter and the other end 3.13" goes to the intake hose. I drilled hole into the pipe coupling so I can attach my air temperature sensor.

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