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Operation: Final Bumper Solution

Dirty Rockstar

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Got the front bumper of the Cutty 95% ready to be put up on the car. There are a few scratches and scuffs I need to take care of, but that can wait until it goes on and gets cleaned up. Looks real good, and I am pleased with the result.




Bondo'd a touch of severe bolt removal-related damage:



Here's a pic of the pass. side which was so badly damaged, I had to have a friend at a body shop fill it and prime it. Came out pretty nice:



First coat of 'Rental Car Green':



Some angles to show the blend work. I used flash for a couple to really bring the flaws out:





After a couple coats of clear. Again, I used flash for these shots:




An idea. It is a touch too small for the area. This is a backup plan. I have a better, primary plan:




This face in your rearview no more:




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THanks guys. I can't put it on yet because my pass. fender is rotting from the inside out. If I go to removed the bolts, I'll twist a hole in my fender.


The only time I find a car in my color, it suffers from the same problem as me, on the same side, someone else took it already, or some ass hat damaged it. I know after I find a new fender, a fucking BILLION will show up all over the fucking place..

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I'm lost. :thinking:


What all did you do?


Somewhere around the site are pictures of this bumper cover I picked up from a salvage yard. the edge where it meets the fender were pretty marred from the removal process.. SO I had to fill the damaged areas in, sand, prime, and paint..


..The last picture of the car is as it sits.. The new cover is in my garage, awaiting a new pass. fender...


..Bottom line: I fixed and painted a bumper cover to fix damage to my current one.

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THey weren't 'Holes' per se, they were more like cracks in the plastic cover.. I just used a little bit of filler and hardener on the side I patched myself, because the biggest of them were about the with of my pinky finger.. The other side had deep cracks which I had a body shop fill in for me..

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