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Well guys its been fun


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Tonight I decided I am done making posts on this forum on a regular basis... like I have been in the past. I wont get into the specific reasons why because I don't want any hard feelings. So here's a big shout out to all of the people here who are responsible for me making the most out of this forum, keep up the good work !!!


1. Slick...We are REAL friends enough said!!!

2. 5speedZ34... You are an all-right guy keep your head pointed in the right direction and you will be just fine, TRUST ME !!!

3. Digitaloutsider... you are a super mature person for your age, remember this no matter what state you are in, I am sure you will do great in it call me sometime!!!

4. 99RegalGS... glad to meet you, I know by the year 2009 you will own a Mercedes dealership!!

5. GP1138... you got great taste and style in music I love the stuff you mix, no ass kissing here!!!

6. 97loudcut... you are going to be a true pimp when you get your head right!

7. Fastbird... I think you are hillarious even though you like Fords at least we share that in common

8. TerryK2003... you rock because you and I both kick ass with 2nd gen cars and you are a super cool guy!!!

9. Indepenentfool... go fucking Cali and your attitude kicks ass

10. KrazyK... you are the only guy on here who's blood I have actually been exposed to and I still love you !!!

11. MontecarloCHICK!!! the word CHICK says enough let alone you live in greatest state in the nation!!!

12. Jeremy... I miss you come back form MIStreetscene it sucks!!!

13. ManiacMechanic...Only you have sent me something for FREE and it kicked ass !!!

14. Runt...Thanks for buyin the Alero shift knob N-bodies FTW!!!

15. Everybody else I forgot to mention I will talk to you when I need something !!!



FTR this list is in no particular order !!!



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Son of a bitch, Rob common. You leaving sucks because unlike most of the people on the forum you actually contribute something.


I vote you should stay!


AHHAA, this is like the pot calling the kettle black!

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Son of a bitch, Rob common. You leaving sucks because unlike most of the people on the forum you actually contribute something.


I vote you should stay!


AHHAA, this is like the pot calling the kettle black!


Wow :rolleyes:

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I just talked to him, in fact were gonna meet up at a bar here in about 30 minutes. He's not mad at anyone, he just realizes that he's going back to work here in a week or two, so he wants to get off of his ass and get things done.


That is pretty much a direct quote from him. He'll still post from work and a little at night, but maybe not be on as much. He works and has a kid now, so he has to focus his time at the more important things.

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I just talked to him, in fact were gonna meet up at a bar here in about 30 minutes. He's not mad at anyone, he just realizes that he's going back to work here in a week or two, so he wants to get off of his ass and get things done.


That is pretty much a direct quote from him. He'll still post from work and a little at night, but maybe not be on as much. He works and has a kid now, so he has to focus his time at the more important things.


Sounds good. As long as he doesn't leave mad. Good luck Rob.

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Rob, I wish you the best in your new adventures, and I have every confidence that you'll do fine.


In any case, please continue to drop in and say hello when you get time.

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