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brake fluid/low trac


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Hey guys!Been having a strange problem lately(6-7x)Shortly after starting the car,my LOW TRAC light comes on and the ABS kicks in.Everytime on a perfectly dry surface...Checked my brake fluid level,when cleaning the cap off,noticed that the fluid was green...is it normal for clear brake fluid to turn green?

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Hey guys!Been having a strange problem lately(6-7x)Shortly after starting the car,my LOW TRAC light comes on and the ABS kicks in.Everytime on a perfectly dry surface...Checked my brake fluid level,when cleaning the cap off,noticed that the fluid was green...is it normal for clear brake fluid to turn green?


Brake Fluid turn into Green? :lol: It could be turning into a Hulk hehe j/k.


I don't think it is normal. Something is wrong with that fluid. It might have been contaminated or something. Did you bring your car some to repair shop or someone was under your car's hood?

If I were you, I would bleed my car or try to suction out the green fluid to low level and put a new fluid and see if that makes better.

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Well the discoloration could be due to age... but that doesn't explain the low track light.

With both lights coming on at once, I'm thinking it could be one (or more) of your ABS wheel speed sensors.

Since one could be malfunctioning, it tells the ECM a different speed than the other three.

That's interpreted by the low track light, thinking the car is on wet / slick roads.

Get a few others opinions, but I would get it looked at if you can't converge on a majority ruling! Best of luck!


- Erik

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yep!That's what I was thinking...had a motor put in a few months ago...the guy that did it turned out to be quite a jerk...checked the fluid level regularly since then but,just noticed the color as it looks normal in the reservoir.Maybe coolant?how badly would that screw everything up?

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yep!That's what I was thinking...had a motor put in a few months ago...the guy that did it turned out to be quite a jerk...checked the fluid level regularly since then but,just noticed the color as it looks normal in the reservoir.Maybe coolant?how badly would that screw everything up?


Not too bad... just get it flushed out.

A local shop will do that for under $40 in town around here.

However, there's still a deal with that ABS / Low Trac light... keep searching!


- Erik

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So brake fluid does change color with age?I've never seen this before.It's definetly got a lime green 'HULKlike' tint to it


Usually more brown / dark tan since it'll pick up contaminents over time if the system is constantly opened.


- Erik

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im gonna need new brakes here pretty soon but hey not to get off topic but Erik did you see that i cleaned under my hood? :D i cleaned the little thing off that holds the brake fluid, and it was dark brown, if that helps

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Ya ,that's what i thought,just darkens a bit...i'm gonna bring it in tomorrow to have it looked at .Thanks Erik!


No worries, glad we can help out; it's what we all do here.

Keep us posted on your findings!


- Erik

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