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i cleaned my engine, check it out


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hey, a couple days ago i made a post about a red can of spray paint, and that spawned the idea of putting a pic of my engine in my sig, and some people said it was really dirty, so i cleaned it! its amazing what simple green, 3 rags, and a toothbrush can do to an engine bay :D


look at this pic and then then pic in my sig



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hey it only took me an hour with 1 bottle of simple green and 2 rags, i didnt cover anything up otherwise i woulda done more shit, maybe tomorrow ill do a more thourough job :wink:

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yes i know! i didnt cover my fuse box or my alternator or my battery connectors or anything, so i didnt get EVERYHING but i have some extra time tomorrow to work on it, ill bring my gfs camaro to my house too to get her engine compartment cleaned up, im suckin up to her dad, hopeully this will help!! :D

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im gonna need new brakes here pretty soon but hey not to get off topic but Erik did you see that i cleaned under my hood? :D i cleaned the little thing off that holds the brake fluid, and it was dark brown, if that helps


Yeah, and it look great! I miss having my casted 2.8L Beretta intake.

Practically no one in the automotive would does that anymore. Ditch the plastic covers, they're lame.

Although, the one with the words "3800" + "Series II" or followed by "Supercharged" I'll keep. :wink:


The master cylinder resivor (I beleive that's the correct part name) hold the extra brake fluid.

It's one of the first signs on pad wear, when the fluid dips down less pad size are existant.


- Erik

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