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Rear 6x9's in a box

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I was thinking of re-mounting the rear pioneer 6x9s in a box, angled more into the interior, rather than burried in the rear shelf, aimed up at the window.


I figure I could remove the rear shelf, bolt the boxes directly to the metal bulkhead (or whatever), and then re-finish the rear shelf with some nice headliner cloth or something, so it doesn't look like ass back there.


Regardless of how it will look, my question is more about the sound quality improving. The highs should sound better, being that they are more accurately aimed into open space, but what about the lows? I know polyfill is an option to enhance the boxes resonance.




if you mount those boxes like that, you are gonna vastly decrease your rearward visibility. that and it would look silly.


if you really want to better the rear sound quality, i would get a set of 6.5 components. the 6.5's should fit in the rear with minor modification, and then mount the tweeter on the pillar. it will still look silly IMO, but less than your idea.


alot of people are gonna tell you not to bother, that most of what you (the driver) hears is from the front speakers, and that the reara are just for fill. i agree with them.


Honestly, its not worth the effort. I dont run any rear fill at all. All your sound should come from up front. Invest in a good set of 6.5 comp set and get maybe a 10" sub for the lows. All the time and money youll invest in that will not give you a good sound. 6x9's cannot be sealed ( which is what that box is for ) because the cone has a hole in the center for the pole. That air gap makes it impossible to seal a 6x9 so youll never get the right sound out of it.


you can do it if you want that "I just bought these at Wal Mart" look


Ok, Thanks for the input guys, I'll ditch the idea.


Would a single 10 inch sub make much of a difference? I'm not an audiophile, but like to crank up the volume if I'm in the mood! I listen to mostly rock, and I find the complexity of the sound overloads the speakers. I have replaced the front 4x6s in the doors with some Alpine units, but need to add some bass blockers to clean them up. Their highs and mid tones sound great though.


1 10" with the right amp powering it will give your car plently of sound, and it wont be over kill either.


you can do it if you want that "I just bought these at Wal Mart" look




1 10" with the right amp powering it will give your car plently of sound, and it wont be over kill either.

yeppers. you could do this for fairly cheap too.


I have replaced the front 4x6s in the doors with some Alpine units, but need to add some bass blockers to clean them up. Their highs and mid tones sound great though.

Do you have an aftermarket deck? If so, some(like Pioneer) have built in High Pass Filters so your speakers dont sound like azz from the lows.

Nope, stock deck.


The whole set up consists of the original radio (which I like, because it looks original...I'll sacrifice sound quality to not have some neon blue custom eyesore in my dash...I know I'm weird), Alpine 4x6 door speakers, and pioneer 6x9s in the rear (which I pulled from the SVT).


The dash-top stock speakers were kaploee so just removed them, as the door speakers are sufficent for now. I would like to get some nice tweeters up there in their place, aimed correctly into the pass. compartment.







question. why do you think because its pointed at the windshield or backglass that this makes it sound worse at as you say filling the space in the car. what makes you believe the door is acoustically better? and why would anybody believe that "rear fill" is not needed? redickerous I tell ya. :rolleyes: why is every car equipped that way then? :ugone2far:


question. why do you think because its pointed at the windshield or backglass that this makes it sound worse at as you say filling the space in the car. what makes you believe the door is acoustically better? and why would anybody believe that "rear fill" is not needed? redickerous I tell ya. :rolleyes: why is every car equipped that way then? :ugone2far:


My audiophile friend felt the same way when I told him some ppl say that rear speakers acount for nothing, then he demonstrated by adjusting and even cutting the power to his rear speakers. Yeah I have NO ear for audio and even I notice the out of tune and/or missing rears, to be honest it sounded like complete crap when he adjusted them.

After actually experiencing that demonstration, I do beileve that there is point behind upgrading rear speakers... I just can't afford to do it :leaving:



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