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damn, thats some freaking carnage right there. i wonder how many times it rolled over. hell i wonder how fast that dipshit was driving.


i think the only things salvagable are the mufflers, tail lights, and maybe the rear wheels if they arent bowed/bent.

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After many years of hauling Insurance salvage to auction and driving a tow truck, I can tell ya that was yanked off a tree or a pole after it drilled something. That is a fatality if I've ever seen one. Very frightening that people like that are on the road. I-5 gets worse year after year around here.... kinda like Russian Roulette..... every day. And it's always someone in a large Suv with a cell phone pasted to their face, fidgiting with something else..... doing everything but paying attention to their driving.

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I don't believe anyone was in that car. There are no extraction points that the fire department or police used to take out the body. The dealer license plate frame is also still there with what looks to be a temporary dealer plate that's been ripped off.

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And it's always someone in a large Suv with a cell phone pasted to their face...

You mean they aren't mobile phone booths? You're kidding!


I don't believe anyone was in that car. There are no extraction points that the fire department or police used to take out the body. The dealer license plate frame is also still there with what looks to be a temporary dealer plate that's been ripped off.

Look carefully and you will see that there are a lot of pieces laying in the "V" that once was the passenger compartment. The hood (no, it's not actually attached), definate parts of the front bumper. Plus the mud and grass that is in the passenger compartment could be after-the-fact where they had to drag what was left of this car up an embankment and it scraped some ground up with it.


If you look at the last pic, the antenna is in the middle of the back of the roof. Go down from there to the edge where the door frame would meet then trace forward. Note how it drops completely down and you can't see beyond that because of the hood. That hidden under there very well could have been where they opened this thing up. They weren't in any hurry because they knew they would be picking this one or however many there were out with tweezers. :eek:


The second picture down shows clearly that this was wrapped around something. Looks to be 2 1/2 to 3 foot diameter from what I can tell.


The only salvagable parts on here would be the tread and *maybe* the wheels and exhaust tips. Everything else wouldn't be worth it because it was traveling at 60 - 80 MPH and stopped instantly. Any plastic part is going to have some kind of stress fracture to it weather or not you can see it. The only thing plyable enough to survive would be made of rubber. The wheels would likely have stress fractures at the lugs, however they are designed to take quite a bit of impact without bending or breaking, so I might actually think they may have survived. From the look of this, this car went flying off an embankment and right into a large tree. Got wrapped around it and they had to pull the thing off the tree and drag it up the embankment just to get it to level ground. Because of that, the wheels never really slammed into anything.


Anyone else have a theory? This was fun trying to guess at this. You see, I am a Nuclear Physicist. I LOVE physics and can play all day long with it. Just knowing the properties of that sheet metal, plastic and tempered glass, I can pretty well guess what was going on here.


Well, I have had my fun at a deceased person's expense. :frown:

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i've seen accidents like that where the driver survived with minor injuries, in fact a few years back i saw a old caravan that had hit a tree, the roof was kissing the floor, however the driver survived, as he was thrown through the windshield and clear of it all, sometimes seatbelts aren't all that awesome.

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