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Primary cooling fan not working

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Today I took my multimeter and went to do some electrical diagnostics. I thought that my secondary dan was not working because the fan did not come on when I took out the relay and put in a jumper wire. I checked for power at the relay (Just like on the manual switch fan mod), there is power. Then I took out the primary fan relay and checked for power but there was no power, I also tryed different ground connections, still no luck.

Should I check for power coming from the computer?


Is the secondary fan the one closest to the serpentine belt? becuase the only that turns on when the temp gets to a certain temp is the one closest to the serpentine belt. The other one near the battery doesn't even turn on but I know it works because connected it to the battery using jumper cables.


Can anyone help me solve my problem?


Yes, the secondary fan is the one closest to the belt. What about the fuse for the primary, the one in the fuse box by the belt?? Its a big black cube. That could be your problem




are you talking about the relay? There should still be power at the terminal. Where is the actual fuse for the primary cooling fan.

are you talking about the relay? There should still be power at the terminal. Where is the actual fuse for the primary cooling fan.


Yeah, thats what I mean, I didnt mean to call it a fuse and yeah your right, there shold be power there. Lemme get my book and check if there is a fuse and where it is




I used the same test as described in the upgrades section, and I didn't have any power there. I did a search I found that maybe my coolant temp sensor could be broken causing this problem, do you guys think that this affects the power at the relay?


ok, here's my thing got the car back together from doing the intakes, no longer shoots to hot whenever you hit the gas, but now the pass side cooling fan wont come on at all. temp was hitting 200, no fan- turned on A/C thinking it should kick both fans on, and it only kicked on the driver side fan. could it be the one sensor in the back head I haven't replaced yet or poss bad fan motor ? or both ??? :shock:


HELP ! I work for advance and our catalog only shows one switch for it all, about ready to pull other switch and just match it up by sight.


the a/c needs to be on max and fan on high for both fans to come on

Guest TurboSedan
the a/c needs to be on max and fan on high for both fans to come on


ah ha! that explains why my secondary fan will never come on.....my A/C circuit is all funky right now and i can't turn the A/C on (a problem i'm having using a '90 3.1 engine harness on a '91 engine & A/C system but anyway...).

my primary fan comes on when it approaches red but it always goes back down when it comes on even when idleing at 90 degrees in the sun. on the highway i never have any problems at all. i really need to fix that A/C problem..... those leather seats get hot in the sun! blah - i'm rambling...



Update, today I took a look at my fuses in the engine bay becuase the owners manual says that the fan gets power from that fuse. Sure enough I look in the fuse box there is a blown 15A fuse in the spot where the 10A fuse is supposed to be. So I took it out and put in a 10A fuse, then I turned the key to on and tested for power at the relay, there was power. Then I took the relay out and I put in a jumper wire, I turned my car to the on postion, the primary fan turned but the fuse blew within a few seconds. Can anyone help me solve this problem?could it be that the jumper wire is not right because the same method works for the secondary fan.




More than likely thats a bad cooling fan motor.


I'm still fighting with my car though



the cooling fan works perfectly I connected the battery to it and it spins strong. Do you guys think that there is something wrong with the wiring from the relay to the fan?


Just get a long wire to connect the positive wires of the primary and secondary fan wires.


Both fan will turn ON and that gets your coolant cool fast :)


I get it but I want my primary fan to turn on normally, because my secondary turns on at a higher temperature. What I might do is put in another fuse, and turn on MAX and full fan speed to see if both of the fans come on or i'll put it in diagnostic mode. If the wire from the relay to the fan is messed up i'll just replace it.


It sounds like a bad fan motor to me . That or there is a problem in the wiring between the fan and fuse box.

Try hooking the primary wiring to second fan and see if it'll work that way.

You can also try disconnecting you temp sensor and fan should run nonstop after starting. (engine will run poor with no temp sensor though)

If not :? :? :? :?



I put a new 10A fuse, and I put the car in diagnostic mode, both fans ran fine. Anything to worry about now?


What do you mean diagnostic mode?? Did you just disconnect the temp sensor??


by diagnostic mode he means he grounded the ECM to make is give any codes. When you do that, both fans should come on




Is there anything I should worry about now? or should I just leave it alone?


Sounds good to me. Let it run in park and get to 220* you may have to hold it at like 1500rpm to help it get there, and the first fan should come on then. See if it works





I warmed the engine the primary fan turns a bit past half point which is 105C. Everything works great , THANKS FOR THE HELP GUYS.

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