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Small cracks/chips in 88-93 GP Dash Top


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Ok, I HAD a mint dashtop with HUD. I came home last night to find my loving brother moving everything out of our shed to get to the bikes. I see he also moved all my car parts out of the way. I thought nothing of it till I started to clean them up today and noticed the left and right side of the dash now has cracks from it standing on its side :evil: They are small pieces, but really pissed the hell out of me. My brother is lucky he isnt home right now. But I need to know how to re glue this and try and fix them as best as possible to look like new.


I tried to take pictures, but my batteries are dying out from taking pics of my balding tires.

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argh.... haven't we been through this before?


Option A

recover it, you want vinyl you can buy vinyl cheap at FCS, but a spray adheisive from Crappy tire and go to town. Wouldn't hurt to have a heat gun or decent hair drier handy to form the vinyl to the contours of your dask.


Option B,

Same as above but use fabric, will probably look like ass with carpet so myabe go to Fabricland and find a nice looking material to use


Option C,

Fiberglass it and paint it


Whatever you do don't go buying another dash top, they will all break. The tops for your dash are 15 years old, they are all sun bleached and broken down from UV exposure. So they are all going to be quite brittle and snap with the first wrong move.


I'll be in London this weekend, if you want I will show you how its done!



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