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How do I convert DIC from metric?


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My Pontiac is a Canadian spec car, so everything is in Metric. I can live with the analogue speedo, but I'm sure there's a way to convert the DIC to english (Miles) readings.


My dad had a 1991 cutlass supreme 4dr years ago, with all the digital goodies. He says that car had the ability to switch the readouts. Also I noticed on an '89 GP, a switch on the bottom of the wiper control pod that converts english/metric either way.


I've gone to the local dealers, and all of them have thrown their hands up in the air and given up. They said the car is set that way at the factory, and you can't change it. I don't believe that, if so many other W cars HAVE that ability.


Can anyone help out?

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First of all, yes, I'm sure it is quite possible to change to english readings. All of the W's with digital clusters, HVAC controls, DIC's, DIS's, etc. operate the english/metric conversion with the same system. Wether it is a cluster, HVAC unit, or DIC, there is one pin in the units connector that controls the conversion. If that pin is "open" then you get an english readout, if it is grounded then you get metric readings.


If you search the forum you will easily find a wiring pinout diagram for your cars DIC, then find the correct wire on the DIC's connector and unground it.


As far as the dealer saying it is unchangeable.... I have a 93' cutlass, which I added a digital cluster. It already had digital HVAC controls. When I added the cluster, if I pressed the E/M button the cluster would change but not the HVAC controls. I had to run a wire from the cluster to the right pin on the HVAC unit. When I was adding the wire, I found that there was just an empty spot in the connector for my wire to tap into. So basically, the car had no wiring provision to ever change the HVAC from E to M, but the HVAC control was still capable of doing it. I guess it just depends how much effort the dealer wanted to put into it.

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so top convert a car from metric to english. find that wire and cut it.


the way the digital stuff works, is the e/m input is grounded to display in metric. add a switch if you like visiting canada!

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He's from Canada, visiting the US!


LOL...Yeah, I'm basically a Detroiter. All my family up in Toronto says "You're so American", and then all my friends at school, in Michigan say "You're so Canadian!" :willynilly: :willynilly:


I was just raised with MPH/MPG. Besides, I think metric fuel economy ratings are silly. The logic is the total opposite of MPG, being "Liters burned per 100 KM" (L/100km).


Sometimes I'll call my dad when I'm driving and be like "Hey dad, go drive your Cadillac and tell me what the ^$#% does 10 L/100km mean in MPG!"


I guess that defeats the purpose of "instant fuel economy" readings!


Ok did some searching..... EVERYTHING you need to know is here:




It looks like it is pin B5 that needs to be opened up.


And I must say Gearhead43.... nice information...


Wow, thanks a million RJansen. I tried searching "wiring pinout diagram" and every combonation with pontiac, GP, 1990, etc... but couldn't come across it.

I appeciate your help :high5:

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The logic is the total opposite of MPG, being "Liters burned per 100 KM" (L/100km).


I've been vexed by this myself. I've finally got a working trip computer in one of my cars!

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older gp's have a switch on the wipers. after that you do it through the DIC.


Yup.. 88-90...is supposed to have the switch mounted under the wiper pod .... 91-93 they did it via the VFD DIC internally

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Yeah, I learned this the hard way. I have an 88 cluster in mine and it works fine. So, I thought I could just switchd the wiper pod. Nope, the pinouts are in different locations so that wont work. So I went and read the user's manual and found out its through the dic. Get reading your manual. :wink:

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