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Vert' roof folding Issue

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hey guys, When i put my top dow nthe passenger side wont fold al the way. If i aply pressure to force it dow nit will go but then "spring" back up. ive checked for any snags or things getting caught and it seems to be folding properly.


it sits about 4-5 inches above the resting point.


any suggestions or ideas what this could be?


There IS an arm that is broken and my guess is its that. but im not sure.


Driver side folds nicely.

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I have the EXACT IDENTICAL problem. i remember it being fine right when I got it, but the last few years it's done this. I have a little arm thing broken too, but Ive put the top down while guiding that correctly and it doesn't help at all. my only thought is that something is bunched somewhere, or something isn't happening exactly right, but I have no idea what. It usually doesn't bother me too much, except that this is the only reason my boot won't fit right :lol:


Exactly, that little arm is fucked. it still has the "u" shapoe on the end so i ca nslide it under the rivit.


i dont even like using the boot cover for the top, i just take the roof down and leave, looks more natural.


On mine, there is a little guide arm looking thing that's broken off on both sides. :(

My top stops about a foot off the top of the trunk so obviously we don't ever put the top down. I can't get parts to fix it. :(



The reason is exactly what you thought it is your balance link is broken and without that being replaced it wont ever fold down correctly.


so is there any way at all to make it go down right, even if its something weird you have to do every time?


ok kool, thanks...now.. that small armn is still able to slide into place. It stilli n the shape of a U. if i just hold it in place will it go down all the way?


update,mthe folding doesnt other me..so next subject...


my pump for the roof need a little tap while holding the button down just to get it going, once i tap it, it is fine for mn hour or 2 as far as i know. cuz this be as simple as lubricating it???


What is this arm thing? I'm really concerned about damaging mine since my top goes down most of the way but has to be pressed down the final 3-4 inches.


if it doesnt spring back up, then dont worry about it, but if it does, the thing is already broken. I'll see if i can get some good pics really quick, car's in the garage right now


shoot, i got pics earlier, but only one turned out, and it wasnt the one i needed to, Ill try and do it tomorrow after classes really quick


Same problem here as well, Passenger side doesnt rest all the way down so I cant put the boot on. Its safe to say most of our verts have this problem.


yea i was lookig at it again, and the arm is basicaly "adjustable' with a long slot that the bolt it attatched through, on my ar mthats broken on the passenger side, that whole slot has been broken off. I might need to make a new one. Pics later on this evening.


ive tried for the life of me to think of a good way to fix it and I haevnt been able to really


how aout getting a similar slotted piece and either A. Bolting it to the original broken piece. or B. welding it on.


i wonder if you could just use some wire, just enough to keep it from popping out...


nah wire will just bend with it. has to be a sold mount guna try and get that piece off and make a replica.


lol its not the probl of it holding in place, we need that abr to be atatched so the roof wil fold properly.


*sigh, I don't think you're quite understanding my thoughts, but that's ok. if you held the roller wheel thing into the spot that broke off, it would do the exact same thing, it would have to be really tight though

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