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Good idea?


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Just thought i would post this because i thought it was a great idea on my 94 cutty and i got the idea from my old tempo and my old GP. The 94s never seem to have the trunk popper so i thought this was a great idea. and who would think to look there :mrgreen: Feel free to move this post if needed. It was fairly easy and i did not damage anything if that helps. Honestly, i could not live without my luxuries lol.How do you turn a key lol. Also i have my keyless entry and car starter so that helps even more :biggrin: if you look close i damaged the left clip but all i have to do is put in a new switch.


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and who would think to look there


J bodies and a bunch of others have it there, and I think it was a better spot because in the cavalier i could lock the glovebox and leave the top down. Every '94 I've seen has had a trunk popper :dunno: good Idea though, if I didnt have the remote release bypass, I would do the same thing

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My 94 had it. But GM put it in pretty silly spot under the steering column. Glove box would be ideal if it would lock. :rolleyes:


I ended up wring a Aurora remote trunk release lock switch in the trunk, so it could be turned off and rendered useless. Not like anyone would really valet or break into a 94 Cutlass anyway, but security is security. :lol:

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well i figure why damage the dash because i havent seen a 94 with one yet so i decided to try it and it worked out well :mrgreen:. i would be afraid of hitting the button getting in and out under the dash though

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My '94 doesn't have one and it drives me nuts. I hate having to carry a spare key in my wallet so I don't have to take the other off they key chain (if they're in the ignition). This spring, I will be wiring one in come hell or high water! I can wire it in the stock fashion, or through my Clifford alarm system (if I find the damn book). I already have all the necessary parts, now if I could just find the time...


Btw, here's a link to more info about this topic that Ken created:


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well thats the whole thing. Its really dumb to have to shut off the car to be able to open the trunk. And also on the dash gives the wrong person the perfect opportunity to get into the trunk. Mine isnt wird to the shifter though. I am not sure ho to do that. I have it wired to the Dr locks fuse in the fuse panel which is rgh near the button, and i also have my keyless entry mounted with it also

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Looks like a good idea to me.

GM put it in a pretty dumb place, IMO. I've hit it with my knee a couple of times. Glovebox would be a great place for it, if it locked! Another dumb GM thing. This is the only car I've ever seen with a glovebox that can't lock. At least I think it is, I don't remember if my truck's glovebox can lock or not...


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:werd: I usually lock the faceplate and whatever else in the trunk. Ask anyone that knows me, I almost never have anything in the car unless its something im taking specifically for that trip.
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