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Got the bump back in the trunk

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Well after a nice trunk leak i had at the beginning of winter, i needed to get a new amp, box, and rear speakers. the amp and speakers blew for good reason, and the sub box was getting moldy and the carpet was coming off big time. luckily my subs were ok. since they were in a bandpass box, the water never got to them. so here's the rundown.


Trunk leak fixed by a local shop - $250 on visa debit card

New Alpine amp from ikesound.com - $144 on visa debit

New Infinity 6x9 from ikesound.com - $95 on visa debit

New sub box from Ebay - $55 from paypal.


getting teh bump back in my trunk; PRICELESS. there are some things money cant buy, for everything else, theres visa debit card and paypal!! :lol:


----------------Total $544 -------------------------------------------------------------



so back to seriousness, i decided to get a sealed box instead of the bandpass for two reasons. one, i just dont need that big thunderous bass. and second, the box is too damn huge!! i like being able to use my trunk for oh i dont know.... groceries! heres some pics.


here's my old sub box. notice how freaking far forward it comes!




here's my new sealed box. it sits back at least 4 inches more than my old box. that may not seem like much, but damn, it sure makes my trunk look bigger! not too mention i can actually take this box out by myself. lol. this box is also 1.25 cf per chamber, which is nominal for the subs. :biggrin:




and last but not least is my new amp. its a little Alpine MRP-450. puttin out 400rms at 2 ohms, which is perfect for my 3 year old Fosgate HE 12"s that are nominal at 200rms!





Ive been running it for four days now, and i just cant believe i went since october with just my front 6.5" component stockers! i love having good audio, how i ever did without, i do not know. :lol: yes i know that my wires in teh trunk are messy but i dont care, who's gonna see it anyway?


all i have left to do is get a new 4 gauge ground wire and connect it to the strut tower on the other side(so it will be shorter and bigger, i have 8 guage there right now), and then im gonna run new wire for the 6x9's, which i didnt take a pic of since you cant see them anyway. they are the reference 9613i btw.


Opinions? Also..

I have one question for everyone with subs. what do you do to keep the box from sliding forward during aggressive driving?


My sub box is probably FULL of mildew/mold too....fucking trunk's been leaking all winter apparently....some reason the amp hasn't blown up yet (Sony amp lol)


I like your setup, I wish I had a smaller box too


the old box sounded better, didn't it?

well i kinda miss the earth shaking bass, but not the rattles that come with it. :lol:

I've got a 12" QLogic band pass.. I wont trade it for aNYTHING!! Granted, putting the spare on is a PITA.. :willynilly:


Looks good though.. Ive got the same subs, except MINIMUM 5 years older.. I am also in LOVE with that amp!


..ALl I can say is clean up the wiring, and try centering the amp with your pass through, and you'd be golden! :cool:


I'm in the same boat, I loved the box that my JL was in (slot vented at 2.69ft^3 @ 36hz, big ass box for one sub), but it took up wayyyyy too much trunk room, leaving it useless.


Thats why I'm gonna love the new box(completely fiberglass) because it fits nicely in the corner behind my drivers taillight. The amps will be mounted on the opposite site.


You can by the flimsy rubber mats at AutoZone, Advanced Auto Parts, or Murray's to stop the box from sliding. I used two of them for my ported box for 1 12" sub. They are roughly 2ft. wide and 1ft. tall and I set them at the front two corners. Stopped all the movement with the box. If that does work, then get some self tapping screws and some L brackets and go to town.


You can by the flimsy rubber mats at AutoZone, Advanced Auto Parts, or Murray's to stop the box from sliding. I used two of them for my ported box for 1 12" sub. They are roughly 2ft. wide and 1ft. tall and I set them at the front two corners. Stopped all the movement with the box. If that does work, then get some self tapping screws and some L brackets and go to town.

Ill definitely try those rubber mats. ive thought about the L brackets before, but i dont really want to drill holes back there. that and like steve said, if i ever need to get to the spare, it'll be nearly impossible if its bolted down. on the other hand, it'll make it nearly impossible for anyone to steal my setup..... hmm.

Bandpass FTL!


rubber mats!? Just spend 2 bucks on velco. Thats what I used. Just two 1' strips!



You guys complain too much about not having a trunk :lol: The box I have right now is 3.0cF, and by the time I get my dual batteries in the trunk, I wont have a trunk! :lol:


rubber mats!? Just spend 2 bucks on velco. Thats what I used. Just two 1' strips!



$250 to fix a leaky trunk? WTF did they have to do?

Well the leak test was $100, then to seal it up, and clean all the moldy carpeting back there was another $150. i wasnt gonna complain. ive heard of people spending way more than that.

The place that i went to is the only place my mechanic friend recommends, and my buddy had been there with great results too.


this thread reminded me that i need to figure out how the hell to mount my box in my trunk...:lol:...it keeps sliding all over the place!


rubber mats!? Just spend 2 bucks on velco. Thats what I used. Just two 1' strips!



yeah, and it holds to almost tooo good. :lol: when I try to take the box out, the carpet comes with it! Thats how good it holds!


I used rubber matting as well. One below the spare tire well and on on top of it below the carpeting.


You have alot more trunk room than i do, even with your old box!!



I have a trunk leak to, but luckily its not to bad, and although my amps have had water and ice on them this winter neither have failed. What happens is water leaks in on the right side of the trunk. When it gets warm it raises up and condeses on the inside trunk lid, then drips on my amps.


What happens is water leaks in on the right side of the trunk. When it gets warm it raises up and condenses on the inside trunk lid, then drips on my amps.

exactly what happened to me, except the water formed under the rear deck too, then dripped on my amp.


i would like to use up my trunk space all perty like that, but its just impracticle for me.


What happens is water leaks in on the right side of the trunk. When it gets warm it raises up and condenses on the inside trunk lid, then drips on my amps.

exactly what happened to me, except the water formed under the rear deck too, then dripped on my amp.


i would like to use up my trunk space all perty like that, but its just impracticle for me.


My lumina leaked water worse than my GP does. I had to bring the one amp inside a couple times and let it dry out overnight, otherwise it would cut out on me.

I do have some space in my trunk, on either side of the box and amprack to put stuff, but generally i just carry stuff around in the back seat. The only time its bit me in the ass is when i got a flat tire with 4 other people in the car and i had to shove the flat tire in the trunk! I still cant believe it fit.


You have alot more trunk room than i do, even with your old box!!



I heart Kicker SoloBarics.... *drools*


Anywho that's a really nice amp, I had it in my car for about a month, borrowed from a friend. I loved it, almost got one for myself but went with the Pioneer.

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