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Trunk Liner


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With Chris's write up, as well as some helpful hints, I got this bad boy done. Needs some more velcroand probably some slight positioning8, but otherwise done :biggrin:

Lemme know whatcha think





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Looks pretty hot.. I agree though, it needs something to set it off, for the simple fact it is only a symbol and doesn't actually say anything..


Also, how do you fare with your sub box and the top? I have a QLogic band pass cell for my 12" pioneer, and I intend to use it in my vert when I buy it off Jay..


Looks good Matt!

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I'll let it sit for now, see what I think, but i was going for simple, so we'll see


Also, how do you fare with your sub box and the top? I have a QLogic band pass cell for my 12" pioneer, and I intend to use it in my vert when I buy it off Jay..


with that setup, i have to slide the box out from under where the top goes, but since i never put stuff in my trunk it doesn't really matter. I think this summer Im going to try and glass an enclosure on theside right behind the taillight

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  • 4 weeks later...

now i want one.... but a plain one cause I have an idea what i want to put on it!


Yeah man, throw some rhinestones on that bitch!


uhh...not a MAN, a WOman...lol...

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