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Aftermarket Shifter in a Z


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Has anyone ever tried to put an aftermarket shifter in place of their console mounter stock shifter? I'm toying with the idea of putting an aftermarket shifter in my Z.... Just a thought. Might be cool.... probably a waste but hey..... Pic too if someone's done it?

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Ya know, an after market shiter like a B&M Ratchet shifter. Cable type. Add a little style to the console..... I had a nice one in my 88 GTA Trans AM. Guess I'm a little too much from the old school. Something like these.....


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please dont install a B&M shifter like those. it will look entirely out of place. i have seen some Z34 with aftermarket shift knobs, most look funny to me. i'll try to find a few that i think look better.

the most important part IMO when buying a shifter is that is needs to look like it came with the car. so most knobs with chrome or are all roundy are gonna look funny in a car that has a very square dash and console.

just my 2 cents.

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This is why I put up the post merely asking the question. if you look at the pics I've thrown up of my rigs here and there, you see that I don't VATO my cars and I'd put my Z up to just about any other comparable W on here in terms of condition, care and performance. So save your slams for someone else. Just meerly fishing a little. Pics were only to illustrate an example of the defination of what I was driving at in terms of "aftermarket" shifter.


Andrew..... I appreciate your input as always.

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ahhh, dont mind those guys. their good intentions are often overshadowed by their sarcasm. they mean well.


i looked for a little while and couldnt find anything i liked, for your Z anyway. most auto trans shifters out there are either like my stocker(i think its referred to as cobra head style) and the ones i call pencils. i did find one carbon fiber t-shifter that'd be ok, but i got to thinking.....


when i had my Z, the main thing i didnt like about the shifter was that it stood up so high. maybe you have the same complaint? i wonder if you could take that rod out and have a welder take an inch or two out of the middle of it, then weld it back together. i think it'd be sweet!

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Well, if he wants it to simply be shorter, he can go to one of GMs smaller FWD cars at the salvage yard.. Earlier model Achievas, and Grand AMs have much shorter shift stalks from the factory.. And ALL GMs FWD shifters well into the 20xx model years fit without an issue.. (I haven't really looked into anything newer than 00, so verify when you go there..


EDIT: I suppose I should have verified whether your Z34 is an Auto or a Manual.. Its tough for me to call from your pics (bad eyes, already at my age).. If it's manual, it gets a little more interesting.. But you can get the shifter from a Grand Prix (Since its a real pole and NOT a piece of stamped steel like what the Luminii and CUtlass SUpremes came with).. Starting with a GP Manual shifter for shortening would be worlds easier, and just better overall..

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Its an auto. Your best bet would to be getting one out of another GM so it looks somewhat like it was suppose to be there IMHO


THe bonus doing that: YOur stock shift handle will attach just fine as well (Trust me, I have an Aurora shift knob on my car's shifter.. ANd the stalk came from a 95 cutty! :willynilly: )

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