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will this radio work on my cutty

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hi everyone i just got a radio out of a98 chevy malibu. It is a Delco Electronics model #16232131 and has the theftlock feature. The plugs are the same as my 94 cutty and there is an extra socket on the back (maybe for swrc controls possibly) it looks like a 9 pin plug. The only probthati see is that the mounts on my factory stereo ar on the bottom and the ones on this one are on the sides. I tried to take apart my old one but i would not be able to use the case. Does anyone know if this could work as the mounts are the only thing that are different? also if needed i can post a pic of the radio. thnks in advance to all who view the post :mrgreen:


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It will plug in and work. but IIRC the backlighting will not work unless your connector is re-pinned. howver the rest of the radio will work great


Also, it will not mount properly... and I think it looks wrong. however, the radio is a decent quality radio, so if you took the time to fab up a way to secure it... more power to you.


is it a cd player radio? or just the tapedeck model?


no its the cd player. I really like it actually as it looks nice and seems to prove to be quite reliable


...The mounts on Delco radios are removable...


I pulled the mounts off my Lumina's stock tape deck and used them on a 93 S10 radio, on a 96 Monte Carlo radio, and on an aftermarket deck kit..


I may be wrong as this is a malibu deck, but IIRC, they all were the same deck as far as exterior goes..


Can you throw up some pics?


...The mounts on Delco radios are removable...


I pulled the mounts off my Lumina's stock tape deck and used them on a 93 S10 radio, on a 96 Monte Carlo radio, and on an aftermarket deck kit..


I may be wrong as this is a malibu deck, but IIRC, they all were the same deck as far as exterior goes..


Can you throw up some pics?

it is the same radio as used in the monte carlo. I did see a cs at a yard with this radio installed... poorly. so it could be fine if you did the work to do it right.


well the case is different in that theamp looking thing lol is bigger so t makes the case different, and also the plugs are in different places. Also can someone veify what the 9 pin plug is for. I will post pis today


AFAIK, the extra plug is SWRC.. I'm pretty sure Malis got that as an option.. I KNOW Montes got it and its the same deck..


say hello to my pretty pics


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Can you take a pic of the underside (bottom) of the deck? I cant seem to find mine, lol


...The mounts on Delco radios are removable...


I pulled the mounts off my Lumina's stock tape deck and used them on a 93 S10 radio, on a 96 Monte Carlo radio, and on an aftermarket deck kit..


I may be wrong as this is a malibu deck, but IIRC, they all were the same deck as far as exterior goes..


Can you throw up some pics?


I'm pretty sure the mounts on the newer radios are NOT removable.


...The mounts on Delco radios are removable...


I pulled the mounts off my Lumina's stock tape deck and used them on a 93 S10 radio, on a 96 Monte Carlo radio, and on an aftermarket deck kit..


I may be wrong as this is a malibu deck, but IIRC, they all were the same deck as far as exterior goes..


Can you throw up some pics?


I'm pretty sure the mounts on the newer radios are NOT removable.

they aen't.. butr you canhack them off.


Can you take a pic of the underside (bottom) of the deck? I cant seem to find mine, lol

here is the bottom pic


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<-----has that deck in his Z

how did you get it to work?

I would guess..... that since it is the factory optional deck... some GM Union guy put it in on the factory line?


WHat Ken is trying to say in a veil of sarcasm is this deck was an option for his car as he has a gen 1.5 MOnte Carlo.. In fact, most Zs Ive seen actually have CD players.. Not all, but most.. Kinda cool..


PM 3pt1lumina I believe his name is.. Hes the one with 2 or 3 1.5 gen Luminii and a 90 lumina.. He got this deck to work.. Also PM BrianP.. He got one to work in one of his Cuttys..


I DO KNOW rewiring is needed to get the illumination to work correctly in the 1st gens.


id did th same re-wiring. LMK if you need me to direct you. and make sure the radio fitds the dash before you hack the connector!


id did th same re-wiring. LMK if you need me to direct you. and make sure the radio fitds the dash before you hack the connector!




I was going to use this deck, and my plan (If yours doesnt have the removable mounting tabs like mine) was to take the long lower bracket from the Olds and create extensions out of some heavy gauge steel.. Drill into them, nut and bolt it w/ locking nuts, or LockTite.. I had a drawing I made of it.. I can try out my $2 Thrift Store scanner if you'd like.. (I wound up not doing this cause I wanted integrated iPod control, and I got my Pioneer for ~$20..)

  • 5 months later...

I was thinking of the same mod for my 89 cutty...


couple of questions, I noticed that the deck looks *longer* on the top due to the cooling fan, will this unit fit in the Cutty (I know the stock opening is very shallow?)


Also, will my current SWC work with this newer deck?


Any help would greatly be appreciated


for the record - that 9 pin plug is for the remote-mount tape deck.


my mom has that same headunit in her malibu, it sounds great, maybe you can find a way to fab up a hole for the remote tape deck?


for the record - that 9 pin plug is for the remote-mount tape deck.


x2... and Malibu's never had SWRC to my knoweledge.


those decks sound "good" but GM has plenty of better sounding factory decks.

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