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Start eating venison, everyone.


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Well, tonight I hit a deer with my car at 60 mph. There were 3 in the road.I swerved and missed 2, and 1 was quite unlucky when I went underneath him with the nose of my car and flipped him up in the air, then as he landed back on the ground ran into his back legs and broke them; at least I think I did. He laid on the side of the road for a good long time and tried to run away, but couldn't stand on his back legs, he just kept falling to the ground. (this especially made me happy since my window was open and I heard the crunch, so that's how I'm guessing they're broken :-) and cuz he hurt my car).


So I file a police report and I got to ride in the cop car with the lights on to go get the address of where it happened in front of. That was the best part of the night. And he was driving an Impala so that made it sweet. I don't think I'll run this through the insurance company, though. But I haven't decided yet. Most likely not.


Okay so, mainly, front right fender, hood, bumper, right headlight and maybe the inner fender are damaged, but it's too dark to tell.


When I got home I took pics. I'll have better ones after I wash it tomorrow at work. BTW, the roads were dry when this happened it was NOT snowing. It started about 2 hrs later when I got home.






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At least it's not real bad. I'm really really happy the airbags didn't go off and I hit the deer with the corner, well..mainly the corner. I did hit him in the middle of the car to start with.

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I hit a deer a few years ago with my Sunturd. It tried to get up and fell into the ditch and kept trying to get up but couldn't. I figured I better kill it so it wouldn't suffer, so I went to my friend's house around the corner (gravel road) and asked if he had something to kill a deer. He got a baseball bat! Anyway, we went back, and luckily for the deer it must not have been hurt as bad as I thought, because it was gone. It would have been pretty crazy killing a deer with a bat. Jimmy

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be a good idea to look under the hood and elsewhere in the front for structural damage. my granparents smacked one in their 95 olds 98, 88, a big 4 door.......and just damaged the hood and grill. upon further investigating, the hood latch bracket, cross bars in the front, and the radiator were damaged. better safe than sorry.

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Here's a couple of pictures after washing it this morning at work. $1,427.47 in damage according to just one of the estimates I got. I have a $500 deductible, so I don't know what I am going to do yet. According to my body shop at work (where the estimate came from; I would not have them do the work because they suck) there is nothing bent structurally and hood can be saved because it's only bent down on the one corner. So I am going to price a headlight and fender, and compare prices and call my dad's friend who did the restoration on my Chevelle and see what he thinks. If he wants to fix it for $500 with no insurance company I probably will do that.... I don't know yet, though.




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Oh, btw, I should have mentioned, the cop did take care of the deer. He didn't suffer too long.


Sorry if that part about me being happy about the deer offended anyone. I didn't mean to if it did.

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I agree, being happy about injuring the deer.... FTL


the damage I can see is very minimal. Buy a headlight. if it were my car I would try to massage the dents out carefully, since they are relatively minor. if that doesn't work, then get the new fender


if you report it, it might raise your insurance rates. Save reporting for something really serious.



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im with Ken on this one. those dents look like they could be massaged out, especially since the paint didnt chip. the hood is hardly bent at the corner, so that really should be a big deal to hand fix, unless you are super anal about your W.

new headlight + pop out dents = cheap fix!


everyone defends a deer until they hit one......

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Deer SUCK ASS! I'm glad you got a good laugh about it. I was riding with my mom one day when she hit a deer going 60... the deer flew over the car and landed in a ditch full of water and pretty much drowned because of it... I laughed at the deer. :lol:

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im with Ken on this one. those dents look like they could be massaged out, especially since the paint didnt chip. the hood is hardly bent at the corner, so that really should be a big deal to hand fix, unless you are super anal about your W.

new headlight + pop out dents = cheap fix!


everyone defends a deer until they hit one......

I hit 2 with my old car so i know what its like. but i had worse damage on both hits then this hit x4+

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speaking of venison, I had some for lunch!

i will be eating that plus buffalo, elk, moose, bear and other shit tomrrow at the wild game dinner.


I was driving my trailblazer a few months ago and i actually tried to hit one, Jess made me hit the brakes. I have my guttin knife in the truck just incase. That bastard would be gutted and hung in the garage until i could butcher it...yum yum ymu

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