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Gas Pedal Question

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Okay, I don't know if this is just me, but ever since I got my car back from the shop when the front Eibach springs got installed, it feels as though my gas pedal sits farther back.


What is causing this?


What is causing this?


the guy at the shop was taller then you and moved the seat back

























































































































Damn that is a nice GP. oh and thats fucked up

Thanks :cool:


ok, so how much did you smoke before you went to pick up your car? :lol:


You guys are idiots..it's not the seat.


The brake sticks out way more than the gas now.




Maybe it is all in my head, and I know they moved the seat, I'm not stupid.


It honestly feels as though the gas pedal is pushed down farther. I'm just an R Tard.


lolol. nobody touches my seat without losing a few fingers, if you are too short you cant drive my car .lol :twisted:


[attachment deleted by admin] Removed to free up storage space.


Are you asking because you now have a Foot Print Gas Pedal that was installed at the shop? :lol:




lolol. nobody touches my seat without losing a few fingers, if you are too short you cant drive my car .lol :twisted:


Yeah, well when people come in I always move the seat back, there is no point not to.



lolol. nobody touches my seat without losing a few fingers, if you are too short you cant drive my car .lol :twisted:


Yeah, well when people come in I always move the seat back, there is no point not to.

exactly why fuk wit there car? if thats haw they want it put it bak



lolol. nobody touches my seat without losing a few fingers, if you are too short you cant drive my car .lol :twisted:


Yeah, well when people come in I always move the seat back, there is no point not to.

exactly why fuk wit there car? if thats haw they want it put it bak


Umm, because when I'm pulling a car into a shop, or onto a hoist I want to be able to see and have my range of motion and not be crammed against the dash.


Why would I attempt to put it back when its set to they way they want it.


PS- Fuk is spelled Fuck, Haw unless you're are talking about Yee Haw is spelled how, and Bak is spelled back.



lolol. nobody touches my seat without losing a few fingers, if you are too short you cant drive my car .lol :twisted:


Yeah, well when people come in I always move the seat back, there is no point not to.

exactly why fuk wit there car? if thats haw they want it put it bak



PS- Fuk is spelled Fuck, Haw unless you're are talking about Yee Haw is spelled how, and Bak is spelled back.


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