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Hey guys


Just a quick question I have a 1997 Cutlass Supreme with a blown 3100 engine. I have access to a 1995 cutlass ciera 3100 my question is will this engine bolt directly in would I have to swap any parts I did notice the EGR was different in the ciera also the intake was different. The ciera had one oxygen sensor where as my engine has two.



I think the mounts are different as well.i would just find another W 3100. they should be fairly cheap


You're already OBD-II, I'd just swap a 3400 in.




I don't know how much you have to change on the vehicle. But, I think the swap is pretty straight forward. With that said, it depends on if you really want to mess with changing engines.


If you're looking to keep the stock engine, look for a 97 W-body or up, since 95 would bolt in but its best to get one from another car of the same year.


I would either go get a 3400....or just tear down the new engine and swap everything over from the old one to the new one, its not that hard to transfer parts.


I am going to be another to suggest swapping in a 3400. They can be found pretty damn cheap

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