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Say hello to perhaps the luckiest member ALIVE


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Right now I am 2 hours away from home without a ride.


Yes, my 93' Olds CS International has gone to car heaven.


Tonight I was heading to a friends place in another part of the province and became overconfident with the road conditions. I was 3/4 of the way to my friends place. Rounding slight turn on a highway I noticed several tractor trailers up far ahead with their flashers on. Thinking they were under 70kph (requires flashers to be on the highway). I let off the gas and kept it in (O) keeping an eye on the rigs ahead and all their .lights. Next thing I know I am REALLY gaining on the rigs and decide to brake. Not going to happen. The whole highway was without traction. I dropped it in D and it was a waste of effort... all I can remember is a bunch of vehicles some with and without lighting then 2 sets of non-flashing taillights PARKED ON THE ROAD and when I thought I'm going to go around I saw what was the most real nightmare ever ... someone is standing right of a parked car in the left lane, in the middle of the damn road. Everything blurred, this is a nightmare it has to be I'm in a train that I cannot stop.


I tried to brake again and in a couple of seconds with no control I then resigned myself to my fate. I let the car hit the parked car in the left lane full on. I decided better the car than the pedestrian who was conversing. I pulled arms to my chest and legs from the firewall to the front of the seats and let the 2 masses collide. BANG ... blank ... the feeling of forward movement. I went out for a bit...


When I came to. I opened my eyes. Glasses gone and radio still playing. I stared forward to look at a spider webbed windshield. For some reason I reached down into my pocket and unconsciously pulled out my phone. Hitting dial home. While waiting for the ring I reached forward and did the only thing I could do to stop the carnage that could follow. Turn on 4 way flashers. My phone rang several times till the answer machine picked up. I spoke a stream of words to parents that were not there... been in big accident, car is destroyed but I am alright.


I hear someone yell 'ARE YOU ALLRIGHT IN THE CAR!?' The fourways said yes to them. Oh god please let me not be still on the road waiting to be hit. Everything is black around me. I then reached to the interior lights. Putting them on I noticed that I was COVERED in discs from the spindles that were in a milk case behind me. Discs were EVERYWHERE. I looked around and grabbed my jacket and gloves and opened up the door. I then remembered the late model Dodge Stratus I barreled into and then felt sick about the fact an unarmored person was standing in the middle of the road. I was in some kind of funk staggering around in shock of what happened not realizing if I was hurt or not. I still cannot believe the words that came out of my mouth... 'Is the driver of the Dodge ok???' The woman who responded said the best string of words I could have ever heard or perhaps will ever hear in my life. ''No one is hurt everyone is standing off to the side over there...''


Still in my funk I wandered over to where the car was not realizing that I was now the idiot in the middle of the road. On the right side of the road was a Minivan that was upside down with voices coming from it. OMG people are trapped in the van!!! It was the radio's DJ talking away to the only listener ... me .To someone’s yell I wandered to the edge of the road to safety to see someone digging through 3/4 of a late model Dodge Stratus. The trunk was flattened. I said the only thing I could say, ''Hey! Are you ok? I am really sorry!''.


He comes out of the car and meekly tells me yes I'm alright. We joke about getting to know each other through mandatory exchange of licenses to attempt to kill the tension. I give him a quick run of the blur I saw. He said he was ok and not hurt and comments about the impact. I'm non-plussed. I make my way back to the car in an attempt to recover personal affects and clean up the cd's and dvds all over the interior. I then move to the front of the car and confirm what I expected. The front is impacted 1-2' inwards. I then remember that I had just avoided shearing my ankles on the floor to firewall section and prevented possible broken wrists. Holy crap I am not hurt. That’s impossible!!! After wandering back and forth and assisting the firemen to pry open the bonnet to sever the battery in the hopes we can prevent the car from going up. I somehow joke about their prying telling them to be careful of the paint (my new way of dealing with stress). They chuckle and I show them how to quickly get to what they need (damn windshield washer basin over the battery).


An RCMP officer kindly helps me find my glasses. He then tells me to report to the medics. I realize that my shoulder blades and chest are aching. I later remember that when I made a pit stop to check fluids. I got back in the car and adjusted all the seat controls to fit my body as best as possible. I also didn’t unbuckle when I stepped out to do this. I had unconsciously made my driving position as tight as possible. I think this helped tremendously.


When asked if I had any pain I told the medics what hurt and was strapped to a board with a collar. A cop came to me for a report, I also forwarded the information that I wish to be 'breathalized', remembering the 40oz bottle of rum in my truck that may have been broken open to smell up the car, he said don’t worry about it we only give it if we request it and I don’t smell anything, your fine. The medic checks me all over and gives me some reflex tests which are fine but says a possible T-something injury with seatbelt laceration and muscle soreness from bracing for impact. I then heard about a 1 year old in a vehicle that was there and that’s when I panicked. OH GOD! I INJURED A CHILD!!! I started rambling to everyone in listening distance... is he alright? An attendant said he is ok but we are taking him to be checked out anyway. This little boy and his parents were the occupants of the upside down van. I was transferred to the ambulance containing the family who were all completely ok. I could hear the little fella playing and later crying. I couldn’t see him since I was trapped in a brace of straps. I asked if everyone is ok, I didn’t give a shit about myself at this point. There's a 1 year old kid going to the hospital next to me and I was mortified.


At the hospital I was checked out to be ok despite the soreness of the next morning that was on the way. I spent the next hour calling home to intercept my parents from getting to the answering machine. The van family had a ride that took me the rest of the way of my journey since it's spend the weekend at the friends place or in a hallway on a gurney in the hospital.


When I to where I was going I went to the bar across the street and drank doubles for the next half hour. I keep thinking the same thing over and over. Fuck the car. I am so grateful that no one was killed or hurt. I loved that car but I value the fact I didn’t kill anyone or cause d injury.


Someone somewhere likes me.


Editted for Drunk Speling. :)

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wow thats pretty crazy. i'll never forget the accident i was christmas day 2003, killed my ciera in a 8 car pile up in a similar situation to yours. and yea you will be sore for a few days, my shins hurt and i had a bruise from the seatbelt.


cars can be replaced, but you cannot be.

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Hi folks. I actually got to sleep.


I'm still at a friends using her laptop. Something happened when typing the post last night and I didnt finish it.


I still cant believe the car is gone. Even more I cant believe I dont care. I need a car to get around because next week is gonna be busy and difficult. This morning I took extra meds. Last night I walked over to the bar and in 15mins I think I chugged 3 doubles of rye and ginger which actually helped. I'm not a big drinker but if it works in the movies it has to work for real. =P


For me it's the fact that I didnt hurt or kill anyone. I didnt give a shit till later about me when I asked if the Intrepid driver was ok he then asked me that too and I did a self check and realized my ouchies. I took a pic of me in hospitol and since I have not shown my pic before I'll post one of me not shaking like a gas powered vibrator first. I dont know where my car is. I still havent talked to either my insurance or the RCMP. I dont give a shit if the whole thing is my fault. Hell I dont care if I drive anymore. I have driven in shit 10 times worse in a full size cube van with cars off the roads all over the place in the winter time. I have driven over 5 hours straight through rain/snow/OVERSALTED roads and had no issues (other than that pothole that killed a bearing, I think).


Technically I'm still a W-Body owner. I still have my 88' =)



Hmmm guess this is the pic they would have used for my funeral :eek:



Hey your gonna put that thermometer WHERE!?


When I can find my car, I'll get some picks of it too. I think I will be salvaging the interior and pretty much as much as possible from the A pillar back for parts.

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Damn man, that really sucks about what happened. Atleast your man enough to take the blame for being a little overconfident, even during winter road conditions. But, all and all, glad to hear your ok, and everyone else is ok.


Your probably gonna be sore for the next few days, believe me, I've totalled a few cars in my time lol. Just rest up, and try not to do anything too labor intensive.



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I think the angels were camped out on that hill. I called the RCMP and they said so far from what they gathered there were NO injuries.


So everyone is lucky.


I also think I found my car ... it's in an impound yard some 20-30 miles from where I am. I packed all my tools in the trunk and I'm talking EVERYTHING before I left in case I had a problem on the way. I guess I wasnt expecting this size of a problem. They are all in the back seat now that I remember. =X


Except for my recall that I typed last night. I still have no idea what my speed was and the time that went by.


I think if I was driving the 88' SL I would be dead. I just don't think it had enough integrity from the years of use to take that impact. That and the fact the Intrepid must have had an empty trunk.

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not to sound like a jerk here...but, when you're feeling better, i'd be interested to see some pics of your car to get an idea of just how severe the impact was...



again, glad everyone was ok!

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Wow! My wife and I both read this at the same time, and we are speechless! Nonetheless, thank God you're OK, and that there no other injuries to other people.


BTW, did you car have any airbags in it?

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BTW, did you car have any airbags in it?

not equipped till 94. I do wonder if the 88 would have faired the same or not. if anything I think the crumple zones were weakened between 88 and 93.

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Thanks ... hehe ... I am not sure whats with the hud. If the dash is toast I will part out. If not I will try to swap it to the 88'. I wonder how hard it would be to swap the moon roof over as well.


I went tonite to have some drinks and chill. So I have to take a bus back home and figure out how to get all my shit from the car maybe monday. I want all my tools. As for parts I DO have a brand new unopened top end gasket set from Victor Reinz I paid $350CDN for to do the oil pump drive seal. I also have 2 UB3 clusters I only need 1. I am not sure about my DIC. Also there are my Vol1 and 2 of the 93' Olds Manuals that have served me well in very usable condition. Plus some new badging and extra power window controls. I cannot post selling here but I will look at parting out based on what the insurer does.


Right now it doesnt look one way or another. I am not thinking of another car either. Maybe in a couple of months when I am back to work. I'll be looking. I had an idea of perhaps finding another 93' International stateside. My uncle gets free airfare once a year for two. He has gone to North Carolina twice and picked up cars and driven them back.


Some very nice clean cars down south. They dont last more than a couple of years up here in our winter w/ salt.

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very glad to hear that you are ok, you are quite lucky. i will never forget my accident about 3 years ago when i slid into oncoming traffic and hit a 2001 saab headon with my little j-body cavalier 1993. there was no front end but i really got lucky and i am grateful to be alive after that one

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very glad to hear that you are ok, you are quite lucky. i will never forget my accident about 3 years ago when i slid into oncoming traffic and hit a 2001 saab headon with my little j-body cavalier 1993. there was no front end but i really got lucky and i am grateful to be alive after that one


I'm impressed. The last few headons in this area involving J-bodies were fatalities on the J side. Maybe who ever was out for you decided to come north.


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Sorry to hear about your accident, that's one hell of a life experience that you had there. As a previous person posted, I'm sure there were angels there.


It's great that nobody was severely injured, you can always replace the car.


Sounds like you've got a good head there, way to keep it together.


Good luck to you Stevo and God Bless ya.

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Thanks every body for reading my thread. I found something interesting and kinda disturbing.


I highway camera that shows the hill where the accident was. It updates very slow. If you look at it at night with bad road conditions. There apparently is always an incident there. Good to know that it's a bad spot in advance. =\




I keep trying to place events accurately. You can see the bottom of the hill. A couple of seconds give or take before that area I put it in D from (O) expecting the rpms to go from 1700-1800 to something like 2300 or so. Instead I think the wheels had a little spin to them. Almost halfway up the hill I was braking and was rummaging for ideas. Over 3/4 of the way was impact followed by I guess ... 15 car lengths of free powered rolling on the blackout where if I am correct the bent subframe's still working wheels pulled the car along and down into the center median ditch and all the way up to the other side with I think half a car length away from being onto the on coming highway.


I have a personal project I will be working on. I dont want to obsess over it. I want to get it out and I want to get past it. I'm just having problems with how I was able to do all I could do in the seconds before impact. I also just cant get the person standing in the right lane running away out of my head. I want to find all these people and apologize to them whether it's my fault or not. I did make the decision to go to Antigonish and I did'nt check online for conditions and problem areas.

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